Revival of an old Terra 1541 Pro with Opensuse Leap 15.5

My wife and I use the expression “Windust” for the Windows operative system. A “dust” is a somewhat stupid person in Norwegian. I will use this expression below.

My wife has a rather old laptop (Terra 1541 Pro). I has survived Windust 7 up to the latest Windust 10. It was the only one of our laptops with a full Windows installation. We used it for communication with some customers that had Windows, only. Skype, Teams are the keywords.

During the last Windust 10 updates the laptop got slower and slower. In addition, according to MS, the laptop does not qualify for Windows 11. A neighbor of us had the same problem. What do Windust users (as our neighbor) do in such situations? They either try a full Windows (10) installation from scratch – and/or buy themselves a new laptop. It is so typical and so “dust” …

Revival with Linux?

My wife and I are retired persons. We no longer need to care about customers who depend on Windust. For the few remaining ones a small virtual installation under KVM on a workstation is sufficient for all practical purposes. So, we thought: This old laptop is a typical case for a revival cure with Linux.

A good friend of us organized a new rechargeable battery block for us and we ordered a 1 TB SSD in addition. The screen has a 1920×1080 resolution, the RAM is 16GB. Graphics is Intel based. All in all, for non-professional purposes it is a well equipped laptop. We therefore decided to finally say good bye to our last Windows installation which slowed down the laptop.

Opensuse Leap 15.5 installation

Yesterday, I installed Opensuse Leap 15.5 on the laptop. From an ISO-image on DVD. No problems occurred during the installation process.
[At least as long as I did not try to add special SW repositories with YaST2. Opensuse has build a remarkable bug into Yast2’s software(= RPM) management. More about this in another post.]

The good news is: The laptop works with Leap 15.5 and KDE like a charm. And it is now less noisy (ventilation!) than with Windows 10. All special keys for controlling screen brightness and speaker levels work. No problem to attach Kontact (with Kmail) and Thunderbird to our IMAP-server. Multimedia programs like Clementine do their work. Our standard browsers (FF, Chromium, Opera), too. Yesterday we watched the Norwegians handball team play against Slovenia during the EM in Germany via a live stream on Firefox on this laptop and on an HDMI-attached HD TV that extended the laptop screen. Automatically recognized and after answering a question, in which direction we wanted to extend, automatically activated.

After a short configuration network connections can be set up via Ethernet cable, if we want to work in our inner LAN network with Linux systems, only. These systems are configured via firewalls to trust each other partially and with respect to certain services. Internet connection happens via routing through a perimeter firewall. Alternatively my wife can directly connect to a WLAN of our router, when she just wants to access the Internet. Networkmanager, priorities for automatic connections and sensing a plugged-in network cable are used to make an adequate automatic choice of the system: If the Ethernet cable is plugged in a cable based connection is used, only. If the cable is unplugged WLAN is activated automatically. And vice versa.
A small script for avoiding double connections (LAN and WiFi) can be added to the “/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d”. This is discussed in “man nmcli-examples” and at [1]. I recommend all users of Linux laptops with Network manager to study the little script:

export LC_ALL=C

enable_disable_wifi ()
    result=$(nmcli dev | grep "ethernet" | grep -w "connected")
    if [ -n "$result" ]; then
        nmcli radio wifi off
        nmcli radio wifi on

if [ "$2" = "up" ]; then

if [ "$2" = "down" ]; then

Do not forget to give the script executable rights. Works perfectly.

Do we miss any Windows SW on the old laptop?

Straight answer: No. My wife has used GIMP, Gwenview, showFoto (with ufraw) and Inkscape for image manipulations for years. GIMP and Inkscape also on Windust. We both use Libreoffice Draw for drawings and simple graphics. Libreoffice (with Writer, Calc, Impress) has been a sufficient and convenient replacement for MS Office already for many years. For creating tax reports we use LinHaBU. The little we do with Web development these days can be done with Eclipse. Linux offers a variety of FTP-tools. All in all our needs are covered and our requirements very well fulfilled.

The old laptop will get a hopefully long 2nd life with Linux at our home in Norway.

Some security considerations

One thing that may be important for professional people: You may want to have a fully encrypted system. This can, of course, be achieved with LUKS. And in contrast to an often heard argument it is not true that this requires an unencrypted and therefore insecure “/boot”-partition. I have written articles on setting up a fully encrypted Linux system with the help of LUKS on laptops in this blog.

TPM offers options to detect HW-modifications of your system. See e.g. [5]. This is certainly useful. But, as you have an old laptop with Windust, you probably have lived with many more and SW-related risks regarding your security for a long time. So, no reason to forget or replace your laptop by a new one. Most Windust users that I know do not even have a Bitlocker encryption active on their systems.

While the BitLocker encryption of Windust may require TPM 2.0 to become safe again (unsafe SHA-1 support in TPM 1.2), we can gain a high level of security regarding disk encryption on Linux with LUKS alone. One can even find some arguments why TPM (2.0) may not make fully encrypted Linux laptops more secure. Opensuse and other distributions do support TPM 2.0 and secure boot. So, the question is not whether some Linux distribution actively supports TPM, but whether we really need or want to use it. See e.g. the discussion and warnings here.

In my private opinion, the old game of Windows supporting the HW-industry and vice versa just goes into a new cycle and the noise about HW- and firmware based attacks ignores at least equally big risks regarding SW (OS and applications).

Even under security considerations I see no major reason why one should not use older laptops with a full LUKS encryption. A major difference is that we do not put secrets and keys for an automatic decryption into a TPM-chip which could have backdoors. A LUKS setup is a bit more inconvenient than Bitlocker with TPM, but with all partitions encrypted (no separate /boot-partition!) not really un-safer. The big advantage of LUKS full encryption without TPM is: No knowledge of the key passphrase, no decryption. But this is all stuff for a more detailed investigation. A fully LUKS encrypted Linux setup would in any case probably be significantly safer than an old Windust installation with Bitlocker and TPM 1.x.

If your security requirements are not top level most reasons not to use old laptops are not valid in my opinion. So, give Linux a try on your old machines before throwing them away.

Conclusion and some preliminary security considerations

Old laptops can remain a valuable resource – even if they are not fit for Windows 11 according to MS. Often enough they run very well under Linux. If you have major security requirements consider a full disk encryption with LUKS. This may not be as safe as LUKS with TPM 2.0 and a two-phase-authentication, which you would have to take care of during setup, but it may be much safer as the Windust installation you have used before.

And do not forget: TPM is no protection against attacks which use vectors against SW-vulnerabilities.


[1] questions/ 346778/ preventing-double-connection-over-wlan0-and-usb-0-in-network-manager-gnome

[2] TPM and Arch Linux: title/ Trusted_Platform_Module
See also the warnings in title/ User:Krin/ Secure_Boot, _full_disk_encryption, _and_TPM2_unlocking_install

[3] Bruce Schneier on TPM attacks: See and blog/ archives/2021/08/ defeating-microsofts-trusted-platform-module.html

[4] TPM 2.0 vulnerabilities: news/ billions-of-pcs-and-other-devices-vulnerable-to-newly-discovered-tpm-20-flaws

[5] A positive look on TPM from Red Hat: 2021/05/13/ what-can-you-do-with-a-tpm/

An answers to a reader’s concern about this blog

A reader wrote me a mail and asked what the general direction of this blog is going to be. He wondered about the “flood” of formulas lately. Which, in his opinion, have nothing to do with Linux. In general, his impression was that I seemingly have lost my interest in core Linux topics. He, a German, also complained that I write my posts in English.

My first reaction was: I appreciate that some of my readers care. The criticism is justified. And it deserves an answer and some explanations. The easiest part is the question regarding language.

According to my provider and my own blog-statistics 78% of page requests to this blog come from abroad, i.e. from countries outside Germany. Most requests stem from US-systems. Before Russia’s imperialistic war against Europe there also were connections (and permanent attack trials) from both Russia and China. Their percentage has declined (fortunately). Anyway, the majority of page requests comes from outside Germany. Therefore, I try to write in English. My English certainly is not the best, but it is still easier to read for those who are interested in my posts’ contents. And obviously, these are not German readers. So, I will not go back to German again.

Now to the question regarding the declining number of posts related to Linux. In the time when I worked as a free-lancer (up to 2018), I had some German customers who cared about Linux. It was in my own interest to dig a bit deeper as usual into topics like “virtualized VLANs”, firewalls etc.. The articles on these topics are still the most read ones in this blog.

But then I started to work as an employed consultant for IT-management topics in a Windows-dominated company. I simply had no chance and no time to continue with hard core Linux topics until the end of 2022. The only connection that came up was related to minor Machine Learning topics. Since my retirement I again use my private Linux systems – but what I need there simply works. No need to dig deeper at the moment. I intend to shift all of my HW-platforms and in the wake of such an endeavor typically some Linux topics come up, but all of this requires a period of money saving first. The same holds for a private project concerning central Linux-based audio-station. (Side remark: Due to the systematic destruction of the social system in Germany, ironically and mainly by the politics of social democrats, ca. 10 million of the persons going into retirement the next years will get significantly less than 1500 Euros per month. These are official numbers of the German government. I am on the edge of this wave.)

A second point which obviously has an impact on this blog is that I have an education in physics and an inborn interest in math. One of the best aspects of retirement is that you gain a lot of freedom regarding your real interests. No employer longer forces you to focus on things you only work with to earn a living. In my case the physicist woke up in spring 2023. I started to read a lot of books on theoretical physics and cosmology. To find out that I needed to revive some university level mathematics. At the same time I got interested in some admittedly special aspects of my own ML-experiments and network simulations in general. And suddenly you find yourself applying some basic linear algebra and calculus again. An easy but not very thoughtful way to start collecting some simple, but useful results was using this blog. I admit: It has turned the blog’s focus away from Linux.

The solution is clear: This blog has to be split up. I will do this as soon as I find some motivation for the boring task to set up a new blog, database, etc. For the time being I have changed the subtitle of this blog to indicate that other topics have come up.

What I cannot promise is that Linux topics will dominate my interests in the future. As said: What a retired person needs on PCs and laptops normally works perfectly under the control of Linux. Thanks to all the fantastic people of the Open Source community.


Flatpak and Blender after system updates – update the flatpak Nvidia packet to match your drivers

Some days ago I wanted to perform some Blender experiments on my laptop. Before I had upgraded most of the installed Leap 15.3 packages installed. Afterwards I thought this was a good opportunity to bring my flatpak based installation of Blender up to date, too.

A flatpak installation of Blender had been necessary since I had changed the laptop’s OS to Opensuse Leap 15.3. Reason: Opensuse did and does not offer any current version of Blender in its official repositories for Leap 15.3 (which in itself is a shame). (I have not yet checked whether the situation has changed with Leap 15.4.)

Blender’s present version available for flatpak is 3.3.1. I had Blender version 3.1 installed. So, I upgraded to version 3.3.1. However, this upgrade step for Blender alone did not work. (In contrast to a snap upgrade).

The problem

The sequence of commands I used to perform the update was:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak update org.blender.Blender  
flatpak list

The second command brought Blender V3.3.1 to my disk. However, when I tried to start my new Blender with

flatpak run org.blender.Blender &

the system complained about a not working GLX and GL installation.

But, actually my KDE desktop was running on the laptop’s Nvidia card. The laptop has an Optimus configuration. I use Opensuse Prime to switch between the Intel i915 driver for the graphics card integrated in the processor and the Nvidia driver for the dedicated graphics card. And Nvidia was running definitively.

The cause of the failure and its solution

Flatpak requires the right interface for the Nvidia card AND the presently active GLX-environment to start OpenGL applications.

A “flatpak list” showed me that I had an “app” “nvidia-470-141-01” running.

Name                    Application ID                                   Version    Branch   Installation
Blender                 org.blender.Blender                              3.3.1      stable   system
Codecs                  org.blender.Blender.Codecs                                  stable   system
Freedesktop Platform    org.freedesktop.Platform                         21.08.16   21.08    system
Mesa                    org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default              21.3.9     21.08    system
nvidia-470-141-01       org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-141-01               1.4      system
Intel                   org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel                        21.08    system
ffmpeg-full             org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full                        21.08    system
openh264                org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                2.1.0      2.0      system

A quick view to the nvidia-settings and YaST showed me, however, that the drivers and other components installed on Leap 15.3 were of version “nvidia-470-141-03”.

Then I tried

mytux:~ # flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-141
Looking for matches…
Similar refs found for ‘org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-141’ in remote ‘flathub’ (system):

   1) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-94/x86_64/1.4
   2) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-141-03/x86_64/1.4
   3) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-141-10/x86_64/1.4
   4) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-74/x86_64/1.4
   5) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-430-14/x86_64/1.4
   6) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-390-141/x86_64/1.4

Which do you want to use (0 to abort)? [0-6]: 2

This command offered me a list to select the required subversion from. In my case option 2 was the appropriate one.

And indeed after the installation I could start my new Blender version again.

By the way: Flatpak allows for multiple versions to be installed at the same time. Like:

Name                 Application ID                                Version  Branch Installation
Blender              org.blender.Blender                           3.3.1    stable system
Codecs               org.blender.Blender.Codecs                             stable system
Freedesktop Platform org.freedesktop.Platform                      21.08.16 21.08  system
Mesa                 org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default           21.3.9   21.08  system
nvidia-470-141-03    org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-141-03          1.4    system
nvidia-470-141-10    org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-470-141-10          1.4    system
Intel                org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel                   21.08  system
ffmpeg-full          org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full                   21.08  system
openh264             org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264             2.1.0    2.0    system


Your flatpak installation must provide a version of the ‘org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-xxx-nnn-mm’ packet which matches the present Nvidia driver installation on your Linux operative system.
Do not forget to upgrade flatpak packets for NVidia after having upgraded Nvidia drivers on your Linux OS!

Links org.blender.Blender/ issues/97
Replacing unstable Blender 2.82 on Leap 15.3 with flatpak or snap based Blender 3.1