A simple CNN for the MNIST datasets – II – building the CNN with Keras and a first test

I continue with my series on first exploratory steps with CNNs. After all the discussion of CNN basics in the last article,

A simple CNN for the MNIST datasets – I,

we are well prepared to build a very simple CNN with Keras. By simple I mean simple enough to handle the MNIST digit images. The Keras API for creating CNN models, layers and activation functions is very convenient; a simple CNN does not require much code. So, the Jupyter environment is sufficient for our first experiment.

An interesting topic is the use of a GPU. After a somewhat frustrating experience with a MLP on the GPU of a NV 960 GTX in comparison to a i7 6700K CPU I am eager to see whether we get a reasonable GPU acceleration for a CNN. So, we should prepare our code to use the GPU. This requires a bit of preparation.

We should also ask a subtle question: What do we expect from a CNN in comparison to a MLP regarding the MNIST data? A MLP with 2 hidden layers (with 70 and 30 nodes) provided over 99.5% accuracy on the training data and almost 98% accuracy on a test dataset after some tweaking. Even with basic settings for our MLP we arrived at a value over 97.7% after 35 epochs – below 8 secs. Well, a CNN is probably better in feature recognition than a cluster detection algorithm. But we are talking about the last 2 % of remaining accuracy. I admit that I did not know what to expect …

A MLP as an important part of a CNN

At the end of the last article I had discussed a very simple layer structure of convolutional and pooling layers:

  • Layer 0: Input layer (tensor of original image data, 3 layers for color channels or one layer for a gray channel)
  • Layer 1: Conv layer (small 3×3 kernel, stride 1, 32 filters => 32 maps (26×26), overlapping filter areas)
  • Layer 2: Pooling layer (2×2 max pooling => 32 (13×13) maps,
    a map node covers 4×4 non overlapping areas per node on the original image)
  • Layer 3: Conv layer (3×3 kernel, stride 1, 64 filters => 64 maps (11×11),
    a map node covers 8×8 overlapping areas on the original image (total effective stride 2))
  • Layer 4: Pooling layer (2×2 max pooling => 64 maps (5×5),
    a map node covers 10×10 areas per node on the original image (total effective stride 5), some border info lost)
  • Layer 5: Conv layer (3×3 kernel, stride 1, 64 filters => 64 maps (3×3),
    a map node covers 18×18 areas per node (effective stride 5), some border info lost )

This is the CNN structure we are going to use in the near future. (Actually, I followed a suggestion of Francois Chollet; see the literature list in the last article). Let us assume that we somehow have established all these convolution and pooling layers for a CNN. Each layer producse some “feature“-related output, structured in form of a tensors. This led to an open question at the end of the last article:

Where and by what do we get a classification of the resulting data with respect to the 10 digit categories of the MNIST images?

Applying filters and extracting “feature hierarchies” of an image alone does not help without a “learned” judgement about these data. But the answer is very simple:

Use a MLP after the last Conv layer and feed it with data from this Conv layer!

When we think in terms of nodes and artificial neurons, we could say: We just have to connect the “nodes” of the feature maps of layer 5
in our special CNN with the nodes of an input layer of a MLP. As a MLP has a flat input layer we need to prepare 9×64 = 576 receiving “nodes” there. We would use weights with a value of “1.0” along these special connections.

Mathematically, this approach can be expressed in terms of a “flattening” operation on the tensor data produced by the the last Conv data. In Numpy terms: We need to reshape the multidimensional tensor containing the values across the stack of maps at the last Conv2D layer into a long 1D array (= a vector).

From a more general perspective we could say: Feeding the output of the Conv part of our CNN into a MLP for classification is quite similar to what we did when we pre-processed the MNIST data by an unsupervised cluster detection algorithm; also there we used the resulting data as input to an MLP. There is one big difference, however:

The optimization of the network’s weights during training requires a BW propagation of error terms (more precisely: derivatives of the CNN’s loss function) across the MLP AND the convolutional and pooling layers. Error BW propagation should not be stopped at the MLP’s input layer: It has to move from the output layer of the MLP back to the MLP’s input layer and from there to the convolutional and pooling layers. Remember that suitable filter kernels have to be found during (supervised) training.

If you read my PDF on the error back propagation for a MLP
PDF on the math behind Error Back_Propagation
and think a bit about its basic recipes and results you quickly see that the “input layer” of the MLP is no barrier to error back propagation: The “deltas” discussed in the PDF can be back-propagated right down to the MLP’s input layer. Then we just apply the chain rule again. The partial derivatives at the nodes of the input layer with respect to their input values are just “1”, because the activation function there is the identity function. The “weights” between the last Conv layer and the input layer of the MLP are no free parameters – we do not need to care about them. And then everything goes its normal way – we apply chain rule after chain rule for all nodes of the maps to determine the gradients of the CNN’s loss function with respect to the weights there. But you need not think about the details – Keras and TF2 will take proper care about everything …

But, you should always keep the following in mind: Whatever we discuss in terms of layers and nodes – in a CNN these are only fictitious interpretations of a series of mathematical operations on tensor data. Not less, not more ..,. Nodes and layers are just very helpful (!) illustrations of non-cyclic graphs of mathematical operations. KI on the level of my present discussion (MLPs, CNNs) “just” corresponds to algorithms which emerge out of a specific deterministic approach to solve an optimization problem.

Using Tensorflow 2 and Keras

Let us now turn to coding. To be able to use a Nvidia GPU we need a Cuda/Cudnn installation and a working Tensorflow backend for Keras. I have already described the installation of CUDA 10.2 and CUDNN on an Opensuse Linux system in some detail in the article Getting a Keras based MLP to run with Cuda 10.2, Cudnn 7.6 and TensorFlow 2.0 on an Opensuse Leap 15.1 system. You can follow the hints there. In case you run into trouble on your Linux distribution try everything with Cuda 10.1.

Some more hints: TF2 in version 2.2 can be installed by the Pip-mechanism in your virtual Python environment (“pip install –upgrade tensorflow”). TF2 contains already a special Keras version – which is the one we are going to use in our upcoming experiment. So, there is no need to install Keras separately with “pip”. Note also that, in contrast to TF1, it is NOT necessary to install a separate package “tensorflow-gpu”. If all these things are new to you: You find some articles on creating an adequate ML test and development environment based on Python/PyDev/Jupyter somewhere else in this blog.

Imports and settings for CPUs/GPUs

We shall use a Jupyter notebook to perform the basic experiments; but I recommend strongly to consolidate your code in Python files of an Eclipse/PyDev environment afterwards. Before you start your virtual Python environment from a Linux shell you should set the following environment variables:

$>export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=4 # or whatever is reasonable for your CPU (but do not use all CPU cores and/or hyper threads                            
$>export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4                                
$>export TF_XLA_FLAGS=--tf_xla_cpu_global_jit
$>export XLA_FLAGS=--xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir=/usr/local/cuda
$>source bin/activate                                     
(ml_1) $> jupyter notebook

Required Imports

The following commands in a first Jupyter cell perform the required library imports:

import numpy as np
import scipy
import time 
import sys 
import os

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras as K
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as B 
from keras import models
from keras import layers
from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.datasets import mnist
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

Do not ignore the statement “from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as B“; we need it later.

The “StandardScaler” of Scikit-Learn will help us to “standardize” the MNIST input data. This is a step which you should know already from MLPs … You can, of course, also experiment with different normalization procedures. But in my opinion using the “StandardScaler” is just convenient. ( I assume that you already have installed scikit-learn in your virtual Python environment).

Settings for CPUs/GPUs

With TF2 the switching between CPU and GPU is a bit of a mess. Not all new parameters and their settings work as expected. As I have explained in the article on the Cuda installation named above, I, therefore, prefer to an old school, but reliable TF1 approach and use the compatibility interface:

#gpu = False 
gpu = True
if gpu: 
    GPU = True;  CPU = False; num_GPU = 1; num_CPU = 1
    GPU = False; CPU = True;  num_CPU = 1; num_GPU = 0

config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=6,
                        device_count = {'CPU' : num_CPU,
                                        'GPU' : num_GPU}, 

config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = True

We are brave and try our first runs directly on a GPU. The statement “log_device_placement” will help us to get information about which device – CPU or GP – is actually used.

Loading and preparing MNIST data

We prepare a function which loads and prepares the MNIST data for us. The statements reflect more or less what we did with the MNIST dat when we used them for MLPs.

# load MNIST 
# **********
def load_Mnist():
    mnist = K.datasets.mnist
    (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_


    # preprocess - flatten 
    len_train =  X_train.shape[0]
    len_test  =  X_test.shape[0]
    X_train = X_train.reshape(len_train, 28*28) 
    X_test  = X_test.reshape(len_test, 28*28) 

    _X = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0)
    _y = np.concatenate((y_train, y_test), axis=0)

    _dim_X = _X.shape[0]

    # 32-bit
    _X = _X.astype(np.float32)
    _y = _y.astype(np.int32)

    # normalize  
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    _X = scaler.fit_transform(_X)

    # mixing the training indices - MUST happen BEFORE encoding
    shuffled_index = np.random.permutation(_dim_X)
    _X, _y = _X[shuffled_index], _y[shuffled_index]

    # split again 
    num_test  = 10000
    num_train = _dim_X - num_test
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = _X[:num_train], _X[num_train:], _y[:num_train], _y[num_train:]

    # reshape to Keras tensor requirements 
    train_imgs = X_train.reshape((num_train, 28, 28, 1))
    test_imgs  = X_test.reshape((num_test, 28, 28, 1))

    # one-hot-encoding
    train_labels = to_categorical(y_train)
    test_labels  = to_categorical(y_test)
    return train_imgs, test_imgs, train_labels, test_labels

if gpu:
    with tf.device("/GPU:0"):
        train_imgs, test_imgs, train_labels, test_labels= load_Mnist()
    with tf.device("/CPU:0"):
        train_imgs, test_imgs, train_labels, test_labels= load_Mnist()

Some comments:

  • Normalization and shuffling: The “StandardScaler” is used for data normalization. I also shuffled the data to avoid any pre-ordered sequences. We know these steps already from the MLP code we built in another article series.
  • Image data in tensor form: Something, which is different from working with MLPs is that we have to fulfill some requirements regarding the form of input data. From the last article we know already that our data should have a tensor compatible form; Keras expects data from us which have a certain shape. So, no flattening of the data into a vector here as we were used to with MLPs. For images we, instead, need the width, the height of our images in terms of pixels and also the depth (here 1 for gray-scale images). In addition the data samples are to be indexed along the first tensor axis.
    This means that we need to deliver a 4-dimensional array corresponding to a TF tensor of rank 4. Keras/TF2 will do the necessary transformation from a Numpy array to a TF2 tensor automatically for us. The corresponding Numpy shape of the required array is:
    (samples, height, width, depth)
    Some people also use the term “channels” instead of “depth”. In the case of MNIST we reshape the input array – “train_imgs” to (num_train, 28, 28, 1), with “num_train” being the number of samples.
  • The use of the function “to_categorical()”, more precisely “tf.keras.utils.to_categorical()”, corresponds to a one-hot-encoding of the target data. All these concepts are well known from our study of MLPs and MNIST. Keras makes life easy regarding this point …
  • The statements “with tf.device(“/GPU:0”):” and “with tf.device(“/CPU:0”):” delegate the execution of (suitable) code on the GPU or the CPU. Note that due to the Python/Jupyter environment some code will of course also be executed on the CPU – even if you delegated execution to the GPU.

If you activate the print statements the resulting output should be:

28, 28)
(10000, 28, 28)
(60000, 28, 28, 1)
(10000, 28, 28, 1)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]

The last line proves the one-hot-encoding.

The CNN architecture – and Keras’ layer API

Now, we come to a central point: We need to build the 5 central layers of our CNN-architecture. When we build our own MLP code we used a special method to build the different weight arrays, which represented the number of nodes via the array dimensions. A simple method was sufficient as we had no major differences between layers. But with CNNs we have to work with substantially different types of layers. So, how are layers to be handled with Keras?

Well, Keras provides a full layer API with different classes for a variety of layers. You find substantial information on this API and different types of layers at

The first section which is interesting for our experiment is https://keras.io/api/ layers/ convolution_layers/ convolution2d/.
You do not need to read much to understand that this is exactly what we need for the “convolutional layers” of our simple CNN model. But how do we instantiate the Conv2D class such that the output works seamlessly together with other layers?

Keras makes our life easy again. All layers are to be used in a purely sequential order. (There are much more complicated layer topologies you can build with Keras! Oh, yes …). Well, you guess it: Keras offers you a model API; see:

And there we find a class for a “sequential model” – see https://keras.io/api/ models/sequential/. This class offers us a method “add()” to add layers (and create an instance of the related layer class).

The only missing ingredient is a class for a “pooling” layer. Well, you find it in the layer API documentation, too. The following image depicts the basic structure of our CNN (see the left side of the drawing), as we designed it (see the list above):

Keras code for the Conv and pooling layers

The convolutional part of the CNN can be set up by the following commands:

Convolutional part of the CNN

# Sequential layer model of our CNN
# ***********************************

# Build the Conv part of the CNN
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# Choose the activation function for the Conv2D layers 
conv_act_func = 1
li_conv_act_funcs = ['sigmoid', 'relu', 'elu', 'tanh']
cact = li_conv_act_funcs[conv_act_func]

# Build the Conv2D layers 
cnn = models.Sequential()
cnn.add(layers.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation=cact, input_shape=(28,28,1)))
cnn.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3,3), activation=cact))
cnn.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3,3), activation=cact))

Easy, isn’t it? The nice thing about Keras is that it cares about the required tensor ranks and shapes itself; in a sequential model it evaluates the output of a already defined layer to guess the shape of the tensor data entering the next layer. Thus we have to define an “input_shape” only for data entering the first Conv2D layer!

The first Conv2D layer requires, of course, a shape for the input data. We must also tell the layer interface how many filters and “feature maps” we want to use. In our case we produce 32 maps by first Conv2D layer and 64 by the other two Conv2D layers. The (3×3)-parameter defines the filter area size to be covered by the filter kernel: 3×3 pixels. We define no “stride”, so a stride of 1 is automatically used; all 3×3 areas lie close to each other and overlap each other. These parameters result in 32 maps of size 26×26 after the first convolution. The size of the maps of the other layers are given in the layer list at the beginning of this article.

In addition you saw from the code that we chose an activation function via an index of a Python list of reasonable alternatives. You find an explanation of all the different activation functions in the literature. (See also: wikipedia: Activation function). The “sigmoid” function should be well known to you already from my other article series on a MLP.

Now, we have to care about the MLP part of the CNN. The code is simple:

MLP part of the CNN

# Build the MLP part of the CNN
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# Choose the activation function for the hidden layers of the MLP 
mlp_h_act_func = 0
li_mlp_h_act_funcs = ['relu', 'sigmoid', 'tanh']
mhact = li_mlp_h_act_funcs[mlp_h_act_func]

# Choose the output function for the output layer of the MLP 
mlp_o_act_func = 0
li_mlp_o_act_funcs = ['softmax', 'sigmoid']
moact = li_mlp_o_act_funcs[mlp_o_act_func]

# Build the MLP layers 
cnn.add(layers.Dense(70, activation=mhact))
#cnn.add(layers.Dense(30, activation=mhact))
cnn.add(layers.Dense(10, activation=moact))

This all is very straight forward (with the exception of the last statement). The “Flatten”-layer corresponds to the MLP’s inout layer. It just transforms the tensor output of the last Conv2D layer into the flat form usable for the first “Dense” layer of the MLP. The first and only “Dense layer” (MLP hidden layer) builds up connections from the flat MLP “input layer” and associates it with weights. Actually, it prepares a weight-tensor for a tensor-operation on the output data of the feeding layer. Dense means that all “nodes” of the previous layer are connected to the present layer’s own “nodes” – meaning: setting the right dimensions of the weight tensor (matrix in our case). As a first trial we work with just one hidden layer. (We shall later see that more layers will not improve accuracy.)

I choose the output function (if you will: the activation function of the output layer) as “softmax“. This gives us a probability distribution across the classification categories. Note that this is a different approach compared to what we have done so far with MLPs. I shall comment on the differences in a separate article when I find the time for it. At this point I just want to indicate that softmax combined with the “categorical cross entropy loss” is a generalized version of the combination “sigmoid” with “log loss” as we used it for our MLP.


The above code for creating the CNN would work. However, we want to be able to parameterize our simple CNN. So we include the above statements in a function for which we provide parameters for all layers. A quick solution is to define layer parameters as elements of a Python list – we then get one list per layer. (If you are a friend of clean code design I recommend to choose a more elaborated approach; inject just one parameter object containing all parameters in a structured way. I leave this exercise to you.)

We now combine the statements for layer construction in a function:

# Sequential layer model of our CNN
# ***********************************

# just for illustration - the real parameters are fed later 
li_conv_1   = [32, (3,3), 0] 
li_conv_2   = [64, (3,3), 0] 
li_conv_3   = [64, (3,3), 0] 
li_Conv     = [li_conv_1, li_conv_2, li_conv_3]
li_pool_1   = [(2,2)]
li_pool_2   = [(2,2)]
li_Pool     = [li_pool_1, li_pool_2]
li_dense_1  = [70, 0]
li_dense_2  = [10, 0]
li_MLP      = [li_dense_1, li_dense_2]
input_shape = (28,28,1)

# important !!
# ~~~~~~~~~~~
cnn = None

def build_cnn_simple(li_Conv, li_Pool, li_MLP, input_shape ):

    # activation functions to be used in Conv-layers 
    li_conv_act_funcs = ['relu', 'sigmoid', 'elu', 'tanh']
    # activation functions to be used in MLP hidden layers  
    li_mlp_h_act_funcs = ['relu', 'sigmoid', 'tanh']
    # activation functions to be used in MLP output layers  
    li_mlp_o_act_funcs = ['softmax', 'sigmoid']

    # Build the Conv part of the CNN
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    num_conv_layers = len(li_Conv)
    num_pool_layers = len(li_Pool)
    if num_pool_layers != num_conv_layers - 1: 
        print("\nNumber of pool layers does not fit to number of Conv-layers")
    rg_il = range(num_conv_layers)

    # Define a sequential model 
    cnn = models.Sequential()

    for il in rg_il:
        # add the convolutional layer 
        num_filters = li_Conv[il][0]
        t_fkern_size = li_Conv[il][1]
        cact        = li_conv_act_funcs[li_Conv[il][2]]
        if il==0:
            cnn.add(layers.Conv2D(num_filters, t_fkern_size, activation=cact, input_shape=input_shape))
            cnn.add(layers.Conv2D(num_filters, t_fkern_size, activation=cact))
        # add the pooling layer 
        if il < num_pool_layers:
            t_pkern_size = li_Pool[il][0]

    # Build the MLP part of the CNN
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    num_mlp_layers = len(li_MLP)
    rg_im = range(num_mlp_layers)


    for im in rg_im:
        # add the dense layer 
        n_nodes = li_MLP[im][0]
        if im < num_mlp_layers - 1:  
            m_act   =  li_mlp_h_act_funcs[li_MLP[im][1]]
            m_act   =  li_mlp_o_act_funcs[li_MLP[im][1]]
        cnn.add(layers.Dense(n_nodes, activation=m_act))

    return cnn 


We return the model “cnn” to be able to use it afterwards.

How many parameters does our CNN have?

The layers contribute with the following numbers of weight parameters:

  • Layer 1: (32 x (3×3)) + 32 = 320
  • Layer 3: 32 x 64 x (3×3) + 64 = 18496
  • Layer 5: 64 x 64 x (3×3) + 64 = 36928
  • MLP : (576 + 1) x 70 + (70 + 1) x 10 = 41100

Making a total of 96844 weight parameters. Our standard MLP discussed in another article series had (784+1) x 70 + (70 + 1) x 30 + (30 +1 ) x 10 = 57390 weights. So, our CNN is bigger and the CPU time to follow and calculate all the partial derivatives will be significantly higher. So, we should definitely expect some better classification data, shouldn’t we?


Now comes a thing which is necessary for models: We have not yet defined the loss function and the optimizer or a learning rate. For the latter Keras can choose a proper value itself – as soon as it knows the loss function. But we should give it a reasonable loss function and a suitable optimizer for gradient descent. This is the main purpose of the “compile()“-function.

cnn.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

Although TF2 can already analyze the graph of tensor operations for partial derivatives, it cannot guess the beginning of the chain rule sequence.

As we have multiple categories “categorial_crossentropy” is a good choice for the loss function. We should also define which optimized gradient descent method is used; we choose “rmsprop” – as this method works well in most cases. A nice introduction is given here: towardsdatascience: understanding-rmsprop-faster-neural-network-learning-62e116fcf29a. But see the books mentioned in the last article on “rmsprop”, too.

Regarding the use of different metrics for different tasks see machinelearningmastery.com / custom-metrics-deep-learning-keras-python/. In case of a classification problem, we are interested in the categorical “accuracy”. A metric can be monitored during training and will be recorded (besides aother data). We can use it for plotting information on the training process (a topic of the next article).


Training is done by a function model.fit() – here: cnn.fit(). This function accepts a variety of parameters explained here: https://keras.io/ api/ models/ model_training_apis/ #fit-method.

We now can combine compilation and training in one function:

# Training 
def train( cnn, build=False, train_imgs, train_labels, reset, epochs, batch_size, optimizer, loss, metrics,
           li_Conv, li_Poo, li_MLP, input_shape ):
    if build:
        cnn = build_cnn_simple( li_Conv, li_Pool, li_MLP, input_shape)
        cnn.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=metrics)        
        cnn.save_weights('cnn_weights.h5') # save the initial weights 
    # reset weights
    if reset and not build:
    start_t = time.perf_counter()
    cnn.fit(train_imgs, train_labels, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1, shuffle=True) 
    end_t = time.perf_counter()
    fit_t = end_t - start_t
    return cnn, fit_t  # we return cnn to be able to use it by other functions

Note that we save the initial weights to be able to load them again for a new training – otherwise Keras saves the weights as other model data after training and continues with the last weights found. The latter can be reasonable if you want to continue training in defined steps. However, in our forthcoming tests we repeat the training from scratch.

Keras offers a “save”-model and methods to transfer data of a CNN model to files (in two specific formats). For saving weights the given lines are sufficient. Hint: When I specify no path to the file “cnn_weights.h5” the data are – at least in my virtual Python environment – saved in the directory where the notebook is located.

First test

In a further Jupyter cell we place the following code for a test run:

# Perform a training run 
# ********************
build = False     
if cnn == None:
    build = True
reset = True # we want training to start again with the initial weights


li_conv_1   = [32, (3,3), 0] 
li_conv_2   = [64, (3,3), 0] 
li_conv_3   = [64, (3,3), 0] 
li_Conv     = [li_conv_1, li_conv_2, li_conv_3]
li_pool_1   = [(2,2)]
li_pool_2   = [(2,2)]
li_Pool     = [li_pool_1, li_pool_2]
li_dense_1  = [70, 0]
li_dense_2  = [10, 0]
li_MLP      = [li_dense_1, li_dense_2]
input_shape = (28,28,1)

    if gpu:
        with tf.device("/GPU:0"):
            cnn, fit_time = train( cnn, build, train_imgs, train_
                                   reset, epochs, batch_size, optimizer, loss, metrics, 
                                   li_Conv, li_Pool, li_MLP, input_shape)
        print('Time_GPU: ', fit_time)  
        with tf.device("/CPU:0"):
            cnn, fit_time = train( cnn, build, train_imgs, train_labels, 
                                   reset, epochs, batch_size, optimizer, loss, metrics, 
                                   li_Conv, li_Pool, li_MLP, input_shape)
        print('Time_CPU: ', fit_time)  
except SystemExit:
    print("stopped due to exception")

You recognize the parameterization of our train()-function. What results do we get ?

Epoch 1/5
60000/60000 [==============================] - 4s 69us/step - loss: 0.1551 - accuracy: 0.9520
Epoch 2/5
60000/60000 [==============================] - 4s 69us/step - loss: 0.0438 - accuracy: 0.9868
Epoch 3/5
60000/60000 [==============================] - 4s 68us/step - loss: 0.0305 - accuracy: 0.9907
Epoch 4/5
60000/60000 [==============================] - 4s 69us/step - loss: 0.0227 - accuracy: 0.9931
Epoch 5/5
60000/60000 [==============================] - 4s 69us/step - loss: 0.0184 - accuracy: 0.9948
Time_GPU:  20.610678611003095


And a successive check on the test data gives us:

We can ask Keras also for a description of the model:

Accuracy at the 99% level

We got an accuracy on the test data of 99%! With 5 epochs in 20 seconds – on my old GPU.
This leaves us a very good impression – on first sight …


We saw today that it is easy to set up a CNN. We used a simple MLP to solve the problem of classification; the data to its input layer are provided by the output of the last convolutional layer. The tensor there has just to be “flattened”.

The level of accuracy reached is impressing. Well, its also a bit frustrating when we think about the efforts we put into our MLP, but we also get a sense for the power and capabilities of CNNs.

In the next post
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – III – inclusion of a learning-rate scheduler, momentum and a L2-regularizer
we will care a bit about plotting. We at least want to see the same accuracy and loss data which we used to plot at the end of our MLP tests.


A simple CNN for the MNIST datasets – I – CNN basics

In a previous article series
A simple Python program for an ANN to cover the MNIST dataset – I – a starting point
we have played with a Python/Numpy code, which created a configurable and trainable “Multilayer Perceptron” [MLP] for us. See also
MLP, Numpy, TF2 – performance issues – Step I – float32, reduction of back propagation
for ongoing code and performance optimization.

A MLP program is useful to study multiple topics in Machine Learning [ML] on a basic level. However, MLPs with dense layers are certainly not at the forefront of ML technology – though they still are fundamental bricks in other more complicated architectures of “Artifical Neural Networks” [ANNs]. During my MLP experiments I became sufficiently acquainted with Python, Jupyter and matplotlib to make some curious first steps into another field of Machine Learning [ML] now: “Convolutional Neural Networks” [CNNs].

CNNs on my level as an interested IT-affine person are most of all fun. Nevertheless, I quickly found out that a somewhat systematic approach is helpful – especially if you later on want to use the Tensorflow’s API and not only Keras. When I now write about some experiments I did and do I summarize my own biased insights and sometimes surprises. Probably there are other hobbyists as me out there who also fight with elementary points in the literature and practical experiments. Books alone are not enough … I hope to deliver some practical hints for this audience. The present articles are, however, NOT intended for ML and CNN experts. Experts will almost certainly not find anything new here.

Although I address CNN-beginners I assume that people who stumble across this article and want to follow me through some experiments have read something about CNNs already. You should know fundamentals about filters, strides and the basic principles of convolution. I shall comment on all these points but I shall not repeat the very basics. I recommend to read relevant chapters in one of the books I recommend at the end of this article. You should in addition have some knowledge regarding the basic structure and functionality of a MLP as well as “gradient descent” as an optimization technique.

The objective of this introductory mini-series is to build a first simple CNN, to apply it to the MNIST dataset and to visualize some of the elementary “features” a CNN allegedly detects in the images of handwritten digits – at least according to many authors in the field of AI. We shall use Keras (with the Tensorflow 2.2 backend and CUDA 10.2) for this purpose. And, of course, a bit of matplotlib and Python/Numpy, too. We are working with MNIST images in the first place – although CNNs can be used to analyze other types of input data. After we have covered the simple standard MNIST image set, we shall also work a bit with the so called “MNIST fashion” set.

But in this article I start with some introductory words on the structure of CNNs and the task of its layers. We shall use the information later on as a reference. In the second article we shall set up and test a simple version of a CNN. Further articles will then concentrate on visualizing what a trained CNN reacts to and how it modifies and analyzes the input data on its layers.

Why CNNs?

When we studied an MLP in combination with the basic MNIST dataset of handwritten digits we found that we got an improvement in accuracy (for the same setup of dense layers) when we pre-processed the data to find “clusters” in the image data before training. Such a process corresponds to detecting parts of an MNIST image with certain gray-white pixel constellations. We used Scikit-Learn’s “MiniBatchKMeans” for this purpose.

We saw that the identification of 40 to 70 cluster areas in the images helped the MLP algorithm to analyze the MNIST data faster and better than before. Obviously, training the MLP with respect to combinations of characteristic sub-structures of the different images helped us to classify them as representations of digits. This leads directly to the following question:

What if we could combine the detection of sub-structures in an image with the training process of an ANN?

CNNs seem to the answer! According to teaching books they have the following abilities: They are designed to detect elementary structures or patterns in image data (and other data) systematically. In addition they are enabled to learn something about characteristic compositions of such elementary features during training. I.e., they detect more abstract and composite features specific for the appearance of certain objects within an image. We speak of a “feature hierarchy“, which a CNN can somehow grasp and use – e.g. for classification tasks.

While a MLP must learn about pixel constellations and their relations on the whole image area, CNNs are much more flexible and even reusable. They identify and remember elementary sub-structures independent of the exact position of such features within an image. They furthermore learn “abstract concepts” about depicted objects via identifying characteristic and complex composite features on a higher level.

This simplified description of the astonishing capabilities of a CNN indicates that its training and learning is basically a two-fold process:

  • Detecting elementary structures in an image (or other structured data sets) by filtering and extracting patterns within relatively small image areas. We shall call these areas “filter areas”.
  • Constructing abstract characteristic features out of the elementary filtered structural elements. This corresponds to building a “hierarchy” of significant features for the classification of images or of distinguished objects or of the positions of such objects within an image.

Now, if you think about the MNIST digit data we understand intuitively that written digits represent some abstract concepts like certain combinations of straight vertical and horizontal line elements, bows and line crossings. The recognition of certain feature combinations of such elementary structures would of course be helpful to recognize and classify written digits better – especially when the recognition of the combination of such features is independent of their exact position on an image.

So, CNNs seem to open up a world of wonders! Some authors of books on CNNs, GANs etc. praise the ability to react to “features” by describing them as humanly interpretable entities as e.g. “eyes”, “feathers”, “lips”, “line segments”, etc. – i.e. in the sense of entity conceptions. Well, we shall critically review this idea, which I think is a misleading over-interpretation of the capacities of CNNs.

Filters, kernels and feature maps

An important concept behind CNNs is the systematic application of (various) filters (described and defined by so called “kernels”).

A “filter” defines a kind of masking pixel area of limited small size (e.g. 3×3 pixels). A filter combines weighted output values at neighboring nodes of a input layer in a specific defined way. It processes the offered information in a defined area always in the same fixed way –
independent of where the filter area is exactly placed on the (bigger) image (or a processed version of it). We call a processed version of an image a “map“.

A specific type of CNN layer, called a “Convolution Layer” [Conv layer], and a related operational algorithm let a series of such small masking areas cover the complete surface of an image (or a map). The first Conv layer of a CNN filters the information of the original image information via a multitude of such masking areas. The masks can be arranged overlapping, i.e. they can be shifted against each other by some distance along their axes. Think of the masking filter areas as a bunch of overlapping tiles covering the image. The shift is called stride.

The “filter” mechanism (better: the mathematical recipe) of a specific filter remains the same for all of its small masking areas covering the image. A specific filter emphasizes certain parts of the original information and suppresses other parts in a defined way. If you combine the information of all masks you get a new (filtered) representation of the image – we speak of a “feature map” – sometimes with a smaller size than the original image (or map) the filter is applied to. The blending of the original data with a filtering mask creates a “feature map“, i.e. a filtered view onto the input data. The blending process is called “convolution” (due to the related mathematical operations).

The picture below sketches the basic principle of a 3×3-filter which is applied with a constant stride of 2 along each axis of the image:

Convolution is not so complicated as it sounds. It means: You multiply the original data values in the covered small area by factors defined in the filter’s kernel and add the resulting values up to get a a distinct value at a defined position inside the map. In the given example with a stride of 2 we get a resulting feature map of 4×4 out of a original 9×9 (image or map).

Note that a filter need not be defined as a square. It can have a rectangular (n x m) shape with (n, m) being integers. (In principle we could also think of other tile forms as e.g. hexagons – as long as they can seamlessly cover a defined plane. Interesting, although I have not seen a hexagon based CNN in the literature, yet).

A filter’s kernel defines factors used in the convolution operation – one for each of the (n x m) defined points in the filter area.

Note also that filters may have a “depth” property when they shall be applied to three-dimensional data sets; we may need a depth when we cover colored images (which require 3 input layers). But let us keep to flat filters in this introductory discussion …

Now we come to a central question: Does a CNN Conv layer use just one filter? The answer is: No!

A Conv layer of a CNN you allows for the construction of multiple different filters. Thus we have to deal with a whole bunch of filters per each convolutional layer. E.g. 32 filters for the first convolutional layer and 64 for the second and 128 for the third. The outcome of the respective filter operations is the creation is of equally many “feature maps” (one for each filter) per convolutional layer. With 32 different filters on a Conv layer we would thus build 32 maps at this layer.

This means: A Conv layer has a multitude of sub-layers, i.e. “maps” which result of the application of different filters on previous image or map data.

You may have guessed already that the next step of abstraction is:
You can apply filters also to “maps” of previous filters, i.e. you can chain convolutions. Thus, feature maps are either connected to the image (1st Conv layer) or to the maps of a previous layer.

By using a sequence of multiple Conv layers you cover growing areas of the original image. Everything clear? Probably not …

Filters and their related weights are the end products of the training and optimization of a CNN!

When I first was confronted with the concept of filters, I got confused because many authors only describe the basic technical details of the “convolution” mechanism. They explain with many words how a filter and its kernel work when the filtering area is “moved” across the surface of an image. They give you pretty concrete filter examples; very popular are straight lines and crosses indicated by “ones” as factors in the filter’s kernel and zeros otherwise. And then you get an additional lecture on strides and padding. You have certainly read various related passages in books about ML and/or CNNs. A pretty good example for this “explanation” is the (otherwise interesting and helpful!) book of Deru and Ndiaye (see the bottom of this article. I refer to the introductory chapter 3.5.1 on CNN architectures.)

Well, the technical procedure is pretty easy to understand from drawings as given above – the real question that nags in your brain is:

“Where the hell do all the different filter definitions come from?”

What many authors forget is a central introductory sentence for beginners:

A filter is not given a priori. Filters (and their kernels) are systematically constructed and build up during the training of a CNN; filters are the end products of a learning and optimization process every CNN must absolve.

This means: For a given problem or dataset you do not know in advance what the “filters” (and their defining kernels) will look like after training (aside of their pixel dimensions already fixed by the CNN’s layer definitions). The “factors” of a filter used in the convolution operation are actually weights, whose final values are the outcome of a learning process. Just as in MLPs …

Nothing is really “moved” …

Another critical point is the somewhat misleading analogy of “moving” a filter across an image’s or map’s pixel surface. Nothing is ever actually “moved” in a CNN’s algorithm. All masks are already in place when the convolution operations are performed:

Every element of a specific e.g. 3×3 kernel corresponds to “factors” for the convolution operation. What are these factors? Again: They are nothing else but weights – in exactly the same sense as we used them in MLPs. A filter kernel represents a set of weight-values to be multiplied with original output values at the “nodes” in other layers or maps feeding input to the nodes of the present map.

Things become much clearer if you imagine a feature map as a bunch of arranged “nodes”. Each node of a map is connected to (n x m) nodes of a previous set of nodes on a map or layer delivering input to the Conv layer’s maps.

Let us look at an example. The following drawing shows the connections from “nodes” of a feature map “m” of a Conv layer L_(N+1) to nodes of two different maps “1” and “2” of
Conv layer L_N. The stride for the kernels is assumed to be just 1.

In the example the related weights are described by two different (3×3) kernels. Note, however, that each node of a specific map uses the same weights for connections to another specific map or sub-layer of the previous (input) layer. This explains the total number of weights between two sequential Conv layers – one with 32 maps and the next with 64 maps – as (64 x 32 x 9) + 64 = 18496. The 64 extra weights account for bias values per map on layer L_(N+1). (As all nodes of a map use fixed bunches of weights, we only need exactly one bias value per map).

Note also that a stride is defined for the whole layer and not per map. Thus we enforce the same size of all maps in a layer. The convolutions between a distinct map and all maps of the previous layer L_N can be thought as operations performed on a column of stacked filter areas at the same position – one above the other across all maps of L_N. See the illustration below:

The weights of a specific kernel work together as an ensemble: They condense the original 3×3 pixel information in the filtered area of the connected input layer or a map to a value at one node of the filter specific feature map. Please note that there is a bias weight in addition for every map; however, at all masking areas of a specific filter the very same 9 weights are applied. See the next drawing for an illustration of the weight application in our example for fictitious node and kernel values.

A CNN learns the appropriate weights (= the filter definitions) for a given bunch of images via training and is guided by the optimization of a loss function. You know these concepts already from MLPs …

The difference is that the ANN now learns about appropriate “weight ensembles” – eventually (!) working together as a defined convolutional filter between different maps of neighboring Conv (and/or sampling ) Layers. (For sampling see a separate paragraph below.)

The next picture illustrates the column like convolution of information across the identically positioned filter areas across multiple maps of a previous convolution layer:

The fact that the weight ensemble of a specific filter between maps is always the same, explains, by the way, the relatively (!) small number of weight parameters in deep CNNS.

Intermediate summary: The weights, which represent the factors used by a specific filter operation called convolution, are defined during a training process. The filter, its kernel and the respective weight values are the outcome of a mathematical optimization process – mostly guided by gradient descent.

Activation functions

As in MLPs each Conv layer has an associated “activation function” which is applied at each node of all maps after the resulting values of the convolution have been calculated as
the nodes input. The output then feeds the connections to the next layer. In CNNs for image handling often “Relu” or “Selu” are used as activation functions – and not “sigmoid” which we applied in the MLP code discussed in another article series of this blog.


The above drawings indicate already that we need to arrange the data (of an image) and also the resulting map data in an organized way to be able to apply the required convolutional multiplications and summations the right way.

An colored image is basically a regular 3 dimensional structure with a width “w” (number of pixels along the x-axis), a height “h” (number of pixels along the y-axis) and a (color) depth “d” (d=3 for RGB colors).

If you represent the color value at each pixel and RGB-layer by a float you get a bunch of w x h x d float values which we can organize and index in a 3 dimensional Numpy array. Mathematically such well organized arrays with a defined number of axes (rank), a set of numbers describing the dimension along each axis (shape), a data-type, possible operations (and invariance aspects) define an abstract object called a “tensor“. Colored image data can be arranged in 3-dimensional tensors; gray colored images in a pseudo 3D-tensor which has a shape of (n, m, 1). (Keras and Tensorflow want to get imagedata in form of 2D tensors).

Now the important point is: The output data of Conv-layers and their feature maps also represent tensors. A bunch of 32 maps with a defined width and height defines data of a 3D-tensor.

You can imagine each value of such a tensor as the input or output given at a specific node in a layer with a 3-dimensional sub-structure. (In other even more complex data structures than images we would other multi-dimensional data structures.) The weights of a filter kernel describe the connections of the nodes of a feature map on a layer L_N to a specific map of a previous layer. Weights, actually, also define elements of a tensor.

The forward- and backward-propagation operations performed throughout such a complex net during training thus correspond to sequences of tensor-operations – i.e. generalized versions of the np.dot()-product we got to know in MLPs.

You understood already that e.g strides are important. But you do not need to care about details – Keras and Tensorflow will do the job for you! If you want to read a bit look a the documentation of the TF function “tf.nn.conv2d()”.

When we later on train with mini-batches of input data (i.e. batches of images) we get yet another dimension of our tensors. This batch dimension can – quite similar to MLPs – be used to optimize the tensor operations in a vectorized way. See my series on MLPs.

Chained convolutions cover growing areas of the original image

Two sections above I characterized the training of a CNN as a two-fold procedure. From the first drawing it is relatively easy to understand how we get to grasp tiny sub-structures of an image: Just use filters with small kernel sizes!

Fine, but there is probably a second question already arising in your mind:

By what mechanism does a CNN find or recognize a hierarchy of features?

One part of the answer is: Chain convolutions!

Let us assume a first convolutional layer with filters having a stride of 1 and a (3×3) kernel. We get maps with a shape of (26, 26) on this layer. The next Conv layer shall use a (4×4) kernel and also a stride of 1; then we get maps with a shape of (23, 23). A node on the second layer covers (6×6)-arrays on the original image. Two neighboring nodes a total area of (7×7). The individual (6×6)-areas of course overlap.

With a stride of 2 on each Conv-layer the corresponding areas on the original image are (7×7) and (11×11).

So a stack of consecutive (sequential) Conv-layers covers growing areas on the original image. This supports the detection of a pattern or feature hierarchy in the data of the input images.

However: Small strides require a relatively big number of sequential Conv-layers (for 3×3 kernels and stride 2) at least 13 layers to eventually cover the full image area.

Even if we would not enlarge the number of maps beyond 128 with growing layer number, we would get

(32 x 9 + 32) + (64 x 32 +64) + (128 x 64 + 128) + 10 x (128 x 128 + 128) = 320 + 18496 + 73856 + 10*147584 = 1.568 million weight parameters

to take care of!

This number has to be multiplied by the number of images in a mini-batch – e.g. 500. And – as we know from MLPs we have to keep all intermediate output results in RAM to accelerate the BW propagation for the determination of gradients. Too many data and parameters for the analysis of small 28×28 images!

Big strides, however, would affect the spatial resolution of the first layers in a CNN. What is the way out?

Sub-sampling is necessary!

The famous VGG16 CNN uses pairs and triples of convolution chains in its architecture. How does such a network get control over the number of weight parameters and the RAM requirement for all the output data at all the layers?

To get information in the sense of a feature hierarchy the CNN clearly should not look at details and related small sub-fields of the image, only. It must cover step-wise growing (!) areas of the original image, too. How do we combine these seemingly contradictory objectives in one training algorithm which does not lead to an exploding number of parameters, RAM and CPU time? Well, guys, this is the point where we should pay due respect to all the creative inventors of CNNs:

The answer is: We must accumulate or sample information across larger image or map areas. This is the (underestimated?) task of pooling– or sampling-layers.

For me it was just another confusing point in the beginning – until one grasps the real magic behind it. At first sight a layer like a typical “maxpooling” layer seems to reduce information, only; see the next picture:

The drawing explains that we “sample” the information over multiple pixels e.g. by

  • either calculating an average over pixels (or map node values)
  • or by just picking the maximum value of pixels or map node values (thereby stressing the most important information)

in a certain defined sub-area of an image or map.

The shift or stride used as a default in a pooling layer is exactly the side length of the pooling area. We thus cover the image by adjacent, non-overlapping tiles! This leads to a substantial decrease of the dimensions of the resulting map! With a (2×2) pooling size by a an effective factor of 2. (You can change the default pooling stride – but think about the consequences!)

Of course, averaging or picking a max value corresponds to information reduction.

However: What the CNN really also will do in a subsequent Conv layer is to invest in further weights for the combination of information (features) in and of substantially larger areas of the original image! Pooling followed by an additional convolution obviously supports hierarchy building of information on different scales of image areas!

After we first have concentrated on small scale features (like with a magnifying glass) we now – in a figurative sense – make a step backwards and look at larger scales of the image again.

The trick is to evaluate large scale information by sampling layers in addition to the small scale information information already extracted by the previous convolutions. Yes, we drop resolution information – but by introducing a suitable mix of convolutions and sampling layers we also force the network systematically to concentrate on combined large scale features, which in the end are really important for the image classification as a whole!

As sampling counterbalances an explosion of parameters we can invest into a growing number of feature maps with growing scales of covered image areas. I.e. we add more and new filters reacting to combinations of larger scale information.

Look at the second to last illustration: Assume that the 32 maps on layer L_N depicted there are the result of a sampling operation. The next convolution gathers new knowledge about more, namely 64 different combinations of filtered structures over a whole vertical stack of small filter areas located at the same position on the 32 maps of layer N. The new information is in the course of training conserved into 64 weight ensembles for 64 maps on layer N+1.

Resulting options for architectures

We can think of multiple ways of combining Conv layers and pooling layers. A simple recipe for small images could be

  • Layer 0: Input layer (tensor of original image data, 3 color layers or one gray layer)
  • Layer 1: Conv layer (small 3×3 kernel, stride 1, 32 filters, 32 maps (26×26), analyzes 3×3 overlapping areas)
  • Layer 2: Pooling layer (2×2 max pooling => 32 (13×13) maps,
    a node covers 4×4 non overlapping areas per node on the original image)
  • Layer 3: Conv layer (3×3 kernel, stride 1, 64 filters, 64 maps (11×11),
    a node covers 8×8 overlapping areas on the original image (total effective stride 2))
  • Layer 4: Pooling layer (2×2 max pooling => 64 maps (5×5),
    a node covers 10×10 areas per node on the original image (total effective stride 5), some border info lost)
  • Layer 5: Conv layer (3×3 kernel, stride 1, 64 filters, 64 maps (3×3),
    a node covers 18×18 per node (effective stride 5), some border info lost )

The following picture illustrates the resulting successive combinations of nodes along one axis of a 28×28 image.

Note that I only indicated the connections to border nodes of the Conv filter areas.

The kernel size decides on the smallest structures we look at – especially via the first convolution. The sampling decides on the sequence of steadily growing areas which we then analyze for specific combinations of smaller structures.

Again: It is most of all the (down-) sampling which allows for an effective hierarchical information building over growing larger image areas! Actually we do not really drop information by sampling – instead we give the network a chance to collect and code new information on a higher, more abstract level (via a whole bunch of numerous new weights).

The big advantages of the sampling layers get obvious:

  • They reduce the numbers of required weights
  • They reduce the amount of required memory – not only for weights but also for the output data, which must be saved for every layer, map and node.
  • They reduce the CPU load for FW and BW propagation
  • They also limit the risk of overfitting as some detail information is dropped.

Of course there are many other sequences of layers one could think about. E.g., we could combine 2 to 3 Conv layers before we apply a pooling layer. Such a layer sequence is characteristic of the VGG nets.

Further aspects

Just as MLPs a CNN represents an acyclic graph, where the maps contain increasingly fewer nodes but where the number of maps per layer increases on average.

Questions and objectives for this article series

An interesting question, which seldom is answered in introductory books, is whether two totally independent training runs for a given CNN-architecture applied on the same input data will produce the same filters in the same order. We shall investigate this point in the forthcoming articles.

Another interesting point is: What does a CNN see at which convolution layer?
And even more important: What do the “features” (= basic structural elements) in an image which trigger/activate a specific filter or map, look like?

If we could look into the output at some maps we could possibly see what filters do with the original image. And if we found a way to construct a structured image which triggers a specific filter then we could better understand what patterns the CNN reacts to. Are these patterns really “features” in the sense of conceptual entities? Examples for these different types of visualizations with respect to convolution in a CNN are objectives of this article series.


Today we covered a lot of “theory” on some aspects of CNNs. But we have a sufficiently solid basis regarding the structure and architecture now.

CNNs obviously have a much more complex structure than MLPs: They are deep in the sense of many sequential layers. And each convolutional layer has a complex structure in form of many parallel sub-layers (feature maps) itself. Feature maps are associated with filters, whose parameters (weights) get learned during the training. A map results from covering the original image or a map of a previous layer with small (overlapping) tiles of small filtering areas.

A mix of convolution and pooling layers allows for a look at detail patterns of the image in small areas in lower layers, whilst later layers can focus on feature combinations of larger image areas. The involved filters thus allow for the “awareness” of a hierarchy of features with translational invariance.

Pooling layers are important because they help to control the amount of weight parameters – and they enhance the effectiveness of detecting the most important feature correlations on larger image scales.

All nice and convincing – but the attentive reader will ask: Where and how do we do the classification?
Try to answer this question yourself first.

In the next article we shall build a concrete CNN and apply it to the MNIST dataset of images of handwritten digits. And whilst we do it I deliver the answer to the question posed above. Stay tuned …


“Advanced Machine Learning with Python”, John Hearty, 2016, Packt Publishing – See chapter 4.

“Deep Learning mit Python und Keras”, Francois Chollet, 2018, mitp Verlag – See chapter 5.

“Hands-On Machine learning with SciKit-Learn, Keras & Tensorflow”, 2nd edition, Aurelien Geron, 2019, O’Reilly – See chapter 14.

“Deep Learning mit Tensorflow, keras und Tensorflow.js”, Matthieu Deru, Alassane Ndiaye, 2019, Rheinwerk Verlag, Bonn – see chapter 3

Further articles in this series

A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – XI – Python code for filter visualization and OIP detection
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – X – filling some gaps in filter

A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – IX – filter visualization at a convolutional layer
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – VIII – filters and features – Python code to visualize patterns which activate a map strongly
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – VII – outline of steps to visualize image patterns which trigger filter maps
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – VI – classification by activation patterns and the role of the CNN’s MLP part
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – V – about the difference of activation patterns and features
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – IV – Visualizing the activation output of convolutional layers and maps
A simple CNN for the MNIST dataset – III – inclusion of a learning-rate scheduler, momentum and a L2-regularizer
A simple CNN for the MNIST datasets – II – building the CNN with Keras and a first test
A simple CNN for the MNIST datasets – I – CNN basics

Addendum 20.10.2020: “Feature maps” or “response maps”?

Whilst reading some more books on AI I got the impression that some authors associate the term “feature map” with the full collection of all maps related to a Conv layer. A single map then is called a “response map” or an “output channel” of the feature map. However, as most books (e.g. the book of A. Geron on Machine Learning) call a singular map a “feature map” I cling to this usage throughout this series.


Samba 4, shares, wsdd and Windows 10 – how to list Linux Samba servers in the Win 10 Explorer

These days I relatively often need to work with Windows 10 at home (home-office, corona virus, …). Normally, I isolate my own Win 10 instance in a VMware virtual machine on my Linux PC – and reduce any network connections of this VM to selected external servers. Under normal conditions all ports on the Linux host are closed for the virtual machine [VM]. But on a few temporary occasions I want to the Win 10 system to access a specific Samba exchange directory on a KVM virtualized Linux instance on the same host.

Off topic: You see that I never present directories of my Linux host directly to a Win 10 guest via Samba. Instead I transfer files via an exchange directory on an intermediate VM whose Samba service is configured to disallow access of the Win system on shares presented to the host. A primitive, but effective form of separation. The only inconvenient consequence is that synchronization becomes a two-fold process on the host and the Linux VM. But we have Linux tools for this, so the effort is limited. )

Of course we want to use the SMB protocol in a modern version, i.e. version 3.x (SMB3), over TCP/IP for this purpose (port 445). In addition we need some mechanism to detect and browse SMB servers on the Windows system. In the old days NetBIOS was used for the latter. On the Linux side we had the nmbd-daemon for it – and we could set up a special Samba server as a WINS server.

During the last year Microsoft has – via updates and new builds of Windows 10 – followed a consistent politics of deactivating the use of SMB V1.0 systematically. This, however, led to problems – not only between Windows PCs, but also between Win 10 instances and Samba 4 servers. This article addresses one of these problems: the missing list of available Samba servers in the Windows Explorer.

There are many contributions on the Internet describing this problem and some even say that you only can solve it by restoring SMB V1 capabilities in Win 10 again. In this article I want to recommend two different solutions:

  • Ignore the problem of Samba server detection and use your Samba shares on Win 10 with the SMB3 protocol as network drives.
  • If you absolutely want to see and list your Samba servers in the Windows Explorer of a Win 10 client, use the “Web-Service-Discovery” service via a WSDD-daemon provided by a Python script of Steffen Christgau.

I myself got on the right track of solving the named problem by an article of a guy called “Stilez”. His article is the first one listed under the section “Links” below. I recommend strongly to read it; it is Stilez who deserves all credit in pointing out both the problem and the solution. I just applied his insight to my own situation with virtualized Samba servers based on Opensuse Leap 15.1.

SMB V1.0 should be avoided – but NetBIOS needs it to exchange information about SMB servers

SMB, especially version SMB V1.0, is well known for security problems. Even MS has understood this – especially after the Wannacry disaster. See e.g. the links in the section “Links” => “Warnings of SMBV1” at the end of this article. MS has deactivated SMB V1 in the background via some updates of Win 8 and Win 10.

One of the resulting problem is that we do not see Samba servers in the Windows Explorer of a Win 10 system any longer. In the section “Network” of the Windows Explorer you normally should see a list of servers which are members of a Workgroup and offer shares.

Two years ago we would use NetBIOS’s discovery protocol and a WINS server to get this information. Unfortunately, the NetBIOS service detection ability depends on SMB1 features. The stupid thing is that we for a long while now had and have a relatively secure SMB2/3, but NetBIOS discovery only worked with SMB V1 enabled on the Windows client. Deactivating SMB V1 means deactivating NetBIOS at the
same time – and if you watch your Firewall logs for incoming packets from the Win 10 clients you will notice that exactly such a thing happened on Win 10 clients.

This actually means that you can have a full featured Samba/NetBIOS setup on the Linux side, that you may have opened the right ports on the firewalls for your Samba/WINS server and client systems, but that you will nevertheless not get any list of available Samba servers in Win 10’s Explorer. 🙁

Having understood this leads to the key question for our problem:

By what did MS replace the detection features of NetBIOS in combination with SMB-services?

Settings on the MS Win side – which alone will not help

When you google a bit you may find many hints regarding settings by which you activate network “discovery” functionalities via two Windows services. See


You can follow these recommendations. If you want to see your own PC and other Windows systems in the Explorer’s list of network resources you must have activated them (see below). However, in my Win 10 client the recommended settings were already activated – with the exception of SMB V1, which I did and do not wish to reactivate again. The “discovery” settings may help you with other older Windows systems, but they do not enable a listing of Samba 4 servers without additional measures on Win 10.

There is another category of hints which in my opinion are contra-productive regarding security. See https://devanswers.co/network-error-problem-windows-cannot-access-hostname-samba/
Why activate an insecure setting? Especially, as such a setting does not really help us with our special problem? 🙁

A last set of hints concerns the settings on the Samba server, itself. I find it especially nice when such recommendations come from Microsoft :-). See: http://woshub.com/cannot-access-smb-network-shares-windows-10-1709/

server min protocol = SMB2_10
client max protocol = SMB3
client min protocol = SMB2_10
encrypt passwords = true
restrict anonymous = 2

Thanks to MS we now understand that we should not use SMB V1 …. But, actually, these hints are again insufficient regarding the Explorer problem …

What you could do – but should NOT do

Once you have understood that NetBIOS and SMB V1 still have an intimate relation (at least on a Windows systems) you may get the idea that there might exist some option to reactivate SMBV1 again on the Win 10 system. This is indeed possible. See here:

If you follow the advice of the authors and in addition re-open the standard ports for NetBIOS (UDP) 137, 138, (TCP) 139 on your firewalls between the Win 10 machine and your Samba servers you will – almost at once – get up the list of your accessible Samba servers in the Network section of the Win 10 Explorer. (Maybe you have to restart the smb and nmb services on your Linux machines).

But: You should not do this! SMB V1 should definitely become history!

Fortunately, a re-activation of SMB V1
on a Win 10 system is NOT required to mount Samba shares and it is neither required to get a list of available Samba servers in the Win 10 Explorer.

What you should do: Win 10 service settings

There are two service settings which are required to see other servers (and your own Win10 PC itself) in the list of network hosts presented by the Windows explorer:
Start services.msc ( press the Windows key + R => Enter “services.msc” in the dialog. Or: start services.msc it via the Control Panel => System and Security => Services)

  • Look for “Function Discovery Provider Host” => Set : Startup Type => Automatic
  • Look for “Function Discovery Resource Publication” => Set : Startup Type => Automatic (Delayed Start) !!

I noticed that on my VMware Win 10 guests the second setting appeared to be crucial to get the Win 10 PC itself listed among the network servers.

What you should do: Use the SMBV3 protocol!

As you as a Linux user meanwhile have probably replaced all your virtualized Win 7 guests, you should use the following settings in the [global] section of the configuration file “/etc/samba/smb.conf” of your Samba servers:


“protocol = SMB3”.

This is what Win 10 supports; you need SMB2_10 with some builds of Win 8 (???), only. Remember also that port 445 must be open on a firewall between the Win 10 client and your Samba server.

For Linux requirements to use SMB3 see
https://wiki.samba.org: SMB3 kernel status
For “SMB Direct” (RDMA) you normally need a kernel version > 4.16. On Opensuse Leap 15.1 most of the required kernel features have been backported. In Win 10 SMB Direct is normally activated; you find it in the “Window-Features” settings (https://www.windowscentral.com/how-manage-optional-features-windows-10)

Not seeing Samba servers in the Explorer does not mean that mounting a Samba share as a network drive does not work

Not seeing the Samba servers in the Win 10 Explorer – because the NetBIOS detection is defunct – does not mean that you cannot work with a Samba share on a Win 10 system. You can just “mount” it on Windows as a “network drive“:

Open a Windows Explorer, choose “This PC” on the left side, then click “Map network drive” in the upper area of the window and follow the instructions:
You choose a free drive letter and provide the Samba server name and its share in the usual MS form as “\\SERVERNAME\SHARE”.
Afterwards, you must activate the option “Connect using different credentials” in the dialog on the Win 10 side, if your Win 10 user for security reasons has a different UID and Password on the Samba server than on Win 10. Needless to say that this is a setting I strongly recommend – and of course we do not allow any direct anonymous or guest access to our Samba server without credentials delivered from a Windows machine (at least not without any central authentication systems).
So, you eventually must provide a valid Samba user name on your Samba server and the password – and there you happily go and use your resources on the Samba share from your Win 10 client.

I assumed of course that you have allowed access from the Win 10 host and the user by respective settings of “hosts allow” and “valid users” for the share in your Samba configuration.
Note: You need not mark the option for reconnecting the share in the Windows dialog for network drives if you only use the Samba exchange shares temporarily.

On an Opensuse system this works perfectly with the protocol settings for SMB3 on the server. So, you can use your shares even without seeing the samba
server in the Explorer: You just have to know what your shares are named and on which Samba servers they are located. No problem for a Linux admin.

In my opinion this approach is the most secure one among all “peer to peer”-approaches which have to work without a central network wide authentication service. It only requires to open port 445 for the time of a Samba session to a specific Samba server. Otherwise you do not provide any information for free to the Win 10 system and its “users”. (Well, an open question is what MS really does with the provided Samba credentials. But that is another story ….)

What you should do: Use the WSDD service on your Samba server

If you allow for some information sharing between your virtualized Win 10 and other KVM based virtual Samba machines in your LAN – and are not afraid of Microsoft or Antivirus companies on the Windows system to collect respective information – then there is a working option to get a stable list of the available Samba servers in the Windows Explorer – without the use of SMB V1.0.

Windows 10 implements web service detection via multiple mechanisms; among them: Multicast messages over ports 3702 (UDP), TCP 5357 and 1900 (UDP). For a detection of Samba services you “only” need ports 3702 (UDP) and 5357 (TCP). The general service detection port 1900 can remain closed in the firewalls between your Win 10 instances and your Linux world for our specific purpose. See
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple Service Discovery Protocol

The mechanism using ports 3702 and 5351 is called “Web Service Discovery” and was introduced by MS to cover the detection of printers and other devices in networks. In combination with SMB2 and SMB3 it is the preferred service to detect Samba services.

OK, do we have something like a counter-part available on a Linux system? Obviously, such a service is not (yet?) included in Samba 4 – at least not in the 4.9 version on my system with Opensuse Leap 15.1. The fact that WSD is not (yet?) a part of Samba may have some good reasons. See link.
One can understand the reservations and hesitation to include it, as WSD also serves other purposes than just the detection of SMB services.

Fortunately, a guy named Steffen Christgau, has written an (interesting) Python 3 script, which offers you the basic WSD functionality. See https://github.com/christgau/wsdd.

You can use the script in form of a daemon process on a Linux system – hence we speak of WSDD.

Using YaST I quickly found out that a WSDD RPM package is actually included in my “Opensuse Leap 15.1 Update” repository. People with other Linux distros may download the present WSDD version from GitHub.

On Opensuse it comes with an associated systemd service-file which you find in the directory “/usr/lib/systemd/system”.

Description=Web Services Dynamic Discovery host daemon

Environment= WSDD_ARGS=-p
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/wsdd --shortlog -c /run/wsdd $WSDD_ARGS
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/rm /run/


Reading the documentation you find out that the daemon runs chrooted – which is a reasonable security measure.
Opensuse even provides an elementary configuration file in “/etc/sysconfig/wsdd“.

I used the parameter


there to announce the right Workgroup for my (virtualized) Samba server.

So, I had everything ready to start WSDD by “rcwsdd start” (or by “systemctl start wsdd.service”) on my Samba server.

On the local firewall of the SMB server I opened

  • port 445 (TCP) for SMB(3) In/Out for the server and from/to the Win-10-Client,
  • port 3702 (UDP) for incoming packets to the server and outgoing packets from the server to the Multicast address,
  • port 5357 (TCP) In/Out for the server and from/to the Win 10 client.

And: I closed all NetBIOS ports (UDP 137, 138 / TCP 139) and eventually stopped the “nmbd”-service on the Samba server! (UDP 137, 138 / TCP 139)

Within a second or so, my Samba 4 server appeared in the Windows 10 Explorer!

Further hints:
As the 3702 port is used with the UDP protocol it should be regarded as potentially dangerous. See: https://blogs.akamai.com/sitr/2019/09/new-ddos-vector-observed-in-the-wild-wsd-attacks-hitting-35gbps.html
The port 1900 which appeared in the firewall logs does not seem to be important. I blocked it.

So far, so good. However, when I refreshed the list in the Win 10 Explorer my SAMBA server disappeared again. 🙁

What you should do: Take special care about the network interface to which the WSDD service gets attached to

It took me a while to find out that the origin of the last problem had to do with the fact that my virtualized server and my Win 10 client both had multiple network interfaces on virtualized bridges. There are no loops in the configuration, but it occurred that multiple broadcasts packets arrive via different paths at the Samba server and were answered – and thus multiple return messages appeared at the Win 10 client during a refresh – which Win 10 did not like (see the discussion in the following link.

As soon as I restricted the answer of the Samba server to exactly one of the interfaces on my virtual bridge via the the parameter “WSDD_INTERFACES” in the “/etc/sysconfig/wsdd”-configuration file everything went fine. Refreshes now lead to an immediate update including the Samba server.

So, be a little careful, when you have some complicated bridge structures associated with your virtualized VMware or KVM guests. The WSDD service should be limited to exactly one interface of the Samba server.

Note: As we do not need NetBIOS any longer – block ports 137, 138 (UDP) and 139 (TCP) in your firewalls! It will make you feel better instantaneously.


The “end” of SMB V1 on Win 10 is a reasonable step. However, it undermines the visibility of Samba servers in the Windows Explorers. The reason is that NetBIOS requires SMB1.0 features on Windows. NetBIOS is/was therefore consistently deactivated on Win 10, too. The service detection on the network is replaced by the WSD service which was originally introduced for printer detection (and possibly other devices). Activating it on the Win 10 system may help with the detection of other Windows (8 and 10) systems on the network, but not with Samba 4 servers. Samba servers presently only serve NetBIOS requests of Win clients
to allow for server and share detection. Therefore, without additional measures, they are not displayed in the Windows Explorer of a regular Win 10 client.

This does, however, not restrict the usage of Samba shares on the Win 10 client via the SMB3 protocol. They can be used as “network drives” – just as before. Not distributing name and device information on a network has its advantages regarding security.

If you absolutely must see your Samba servers in the Win 10 Explorer install and configure the WSDD package of Steffen Christgau. You can use it as a systemd service. You should restrict the interfaces WSDD gets attached to – especially if your Samba servers are attached to virtual network bridges (Linux bridges or VMware bridges).


  • Disable SMBV1 in Windows 10 if an update has not yet done it for you!
  • Set the protocol in the Samba servers to SMBV3!
  • Try to work with “networks drives” on your Win 10 guests, only!
  • Install, configure and use WSDD, if you really need to see your Samba servers in the Windows Explorer.
  • Open the port 445 (TCP, IN/OUT between the Win 10 client and the server), 3072 (UDP, OUT from the server and the Win 10 client to, IN to the server from the Win 10 client / IN to the Win 10 client from the server; rules details depending on the firewall location), port 5357 (TCP; In/OUT between the Samba server and the Win 10 client) on your firewalls between the Samba server and the Win 10 system.
  • Close the NetBIOS ports in your firewalls!
  • You should also take care of stopping multicast messages leaving perimeter firewalls; normally packets to multicast addresses should not be routed, but blocking them explicitly for certain interfaces is no harm, either.

Of course you must repeat the WSDD and firewall setup for all your Samba servers. But as a Linux admin you have your tools for distributing common configuration files or copying virtualization setups.


The real story
!!!! https://www.ixsystems.com/community/resources/how-to-kill-off-smb1-netbios-wins-and-still-have-windows-network-neighbourhood-better-than-ever.106/ !!!



https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ source/ samba/ +bug/ 1831441

https://forums.opensuse.org/ showthread.php/ 540083-Samba-Network-Device-Type-for-Windows-10


WSDD and its problems
https://forums.opensuse.org/ showthread.php/ 540083-Samba-Network-Device-Type-for-Windows-10

Warnings of SMB V1

Problems with Win 10 and shares
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/ Forums/ en-US: cannot-connect-to-cifs-smb-samba-network-shares-amp-shared-folders-in-windows-10-after-update?forum=win10itpronetworking

RDMA and SMB Direct
https://searchstorage.techtarget.com/ definition/ Remote-Direct-Memory-Access

Other settings in the SMB/Samba environment of minor relevance
https://www.reddit.com/ r/ techsupport/ comments/ 3yevip/ windows 10 cant see samba shares/