Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – with a responsive horizontal menu bar – IV

In the previous articles of this series

Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – the DIV order problem – I
Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – the DIV order problem – II
Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – the DIV order problem – III

I described how we can control HTML div order problems which may interfere with a simple, efficient approach to make a 3 column fluid layout responsive to the viewport width. I regard this topic as sufficiently covered: By planning the HTML code and its DIV order properly we can make responsiveness a matter of changing just a few CSS properties (like float) for defined viewport width ranges in our CSS code. Small CSS tricks restore the optical layout if we have to choose a special and unusual DIV order of (horizontally) floated or relatively positioned DIV containers in the HTML code for achieving a specific vertical element order after a responsive transformation.

Nevertheless, I do not want to close this article series about responsive layouts without looking into methods for a more suitable handling of the horizontal main menu. Actually, up to now we did not care about the main menu at all. The floated menu points just move downwards over several rows if the viewport width gets to small to display the menu in just one line.

Some people may find such an approach uneconomical, looking weird and not at all a professional solution for small viewport widths, e.g. on a smartphone. For a real responsive (horizontal) menu the wide spread expectation is that the whole menu collapses at small viewport widths – in parallel to the vertical reordering of major page areas.

In this and the next article we shall have a look at some options how to achieve a better responsive menu control – without and with Javascript.

Objectives for an originally horizontal main menu at small viewport widths

In the second article of this series we defined 3 viewport width ranges. “Range I” stands for small viewport widths which may be typical for smartphones. In this range the main menu would only be interesting if the user really needs it – otherwise it consumes too much of the limited screen area and may enforce unnecessary scrolling.

Therefore, it is reasonable to collapse the horizontal menu to a button (with a reasonable menu symbol) within Range I. This is exactly what e.g. many wordpress designs and other web tools do: Below a certain width threshold menus are reduced to symbols with button functionality. A click on such a button would open the main menu – now with vertically listed menu points as we do not have much width available. A second click on the button – and/or other actions which we need to discuss – would close the menu again.

This description seems to imply that Javascript [JS] is required for a convenient handling of a collapsed menu. More precisely: for a convenient dealing with user induced GUI-events for some specific elements of our web page. Therefore the following question is of major interest: What alternatives do exist for users who have deactivated Javascript?

In this article we concentrate one a JS-free approach. Some readers may not find the suggested solution convenient enough; but the efforts in this article to build a flexible horizontal menu which gets collapsed are not at all in vain – all HTML and CSS code can and will be used almost unchanged in a JS-based solution. See a forthcoming article for this.

Restructuring the horizontal menu on the HTML level

horizontal menu as we described it in the previous articles was set up in a most simply way: It was just a list with floated elements – positioned on the left side in its container “div#head” due to defaults. The CSS statements offered no options to center the menu or put it on the left or right side of the page. However, such options – in the form of easily changeable CSS properties – may be important in certain web layouts. In addition we need a “menu button” which shall be displayed for small viewport width. Two good reasons for restructuring the main menu a bit …

The new HTML code for the container “div#head” appears much more complex than in the previous articles – but you will understand the advantages of the DIV nesting in a minute.

HTML code for the horizontal main menu

<body onload="init_page();">
<div id="all">
	<div id="head">
		<div id="main_menu_cont">
			<div id="bg_hor_menu"></div>
			<div id="menu_cont">
				<a id="hmen_but" title="main menu" href="#"></a>
				<div id="hmen_cont" class="hmen_cont">
					<div id="bg_ver_menu"></div>
					<ul id="menu_lst">
						<li><div class="hmen_pkt"><p><a href="#">h-menu 1</a></p></div></li>
						<li><div class="hmen_pkt"><p><a href="#">h-menu 2</a></p></div></li>
						<li><div class="hmen_pkt"><p><a href="#">h-menu 3</a></p></div></li>
						<li><div class="hmen_pkt"><p><a href="#">h-menu 4</a></p></div></li>
						<li><div class="hmen_pkt"><p><a href="#">h-menu 5</a></p></div></li>
						<li class="hm_li_right"><div class="hmen_pkt"><a id="but2" href="#"></a></div></li>
						<li class="floatstop"></li>
			<p class="floatstop"> </p>

We encapsulate our menu now inside the main container “div#main_menu_cont” and supply a background element “div#bg_hor_menu” which allows for a full control of background and opacity effects in a “horizontal header line”.

Note: In the following CSS strategy this horizontal header line which comprises the menu outside width range I will still be shown when we collapse the menu contents.

To decouple the menu itself from the “header line” we introduce a second inner container “div#menu_cont”. It shall server 2 purposes:

  • It will help us to gain control about centering the menu – a list of points – inside the horizontal menu line despite a missing explicit definition of the menu width.
  • It is also required to control the interaction of the user with the menu for small viewport widths when Javascript is not available. This will become clear in some minutes.

“div#menu_cont” encloses the real content stuff of the menu for all width ranges. Among its new elements is a “menu button” – more precisely: a block A-tag “a#hmen_but” – which up to now has no functionality – and shall only be visible in viewport width Range I. As a matter of fact, in the JS-free solution we do NOT assign any functionality to this button – but instead to its container “div#menu_cont”! See below.

The container “div#hmen_cont” encloses in addition

  • a relatively positioned list “ul#menu_list”, which contains the floated menu points (LI-tags)
  • and an absolutely positioned “div#bg_menu” for controlling background effects (color, opacity) for the possibly horizontally centered and later on vertically displayed menu.

Note that in our test example the width of the menu list and also of “div#hmen_cont” will not be defined explicitly for viewport widths outside of Range I: The browser has to evaluate the menu width from the widths of its listed elements.

Centering the menu in the header line

The following CSS excerpt makes clear how we achieve a centering of the menu list in the header line.

/* The header region */	
/* *******************/

div#head { 
	min-height: 3.0rem;
	z-index: 6; 

/* The main contents container */
/* *************************** */
div#outer_cont { 
	min-height: 10.0rem;
	z-index: 1; 
/* Support elements */ 	

p.floatstop {
	padding: 0;
	font-size: 0;

/* contents of the upper horizontal menu */
/*-------------------------------------- */

div#main_menu_cont {
	display: block; 
	position: relative;
	width: auto;   
	margin-left: 1.0rem; 
	margin-right: 1.0rem; 
	min-height: 3.0rem;

div#bg_hor_menu {
	position: absolute; 
	top: 0;
	bottom: 0;
	left: 0; 
	right: 0; 
	border-radius: 0.8rem;
	background-color: #FFF; 
	opacity: 0.75; 
	z-index: 1; 

div#menu_cont {
	display: block; 
	position: relative;
	width: 100%;  
	min-height: 3.0rem;
	z-index: 2; 
	/* helps to center its enclosed container */
	text-align: center; 

a#hmen_but {
	display: none; 
	width: 4.6rem;
	height: 2.2rem;
	background-color: #A90000;
	border-top: 0.2rem #CCC solid; 
	border-right: 0.2rem #CCC solid; 
	border-left: 0.2rem #AAA solid; 
	border-bottom: 0.2rem #AAA solid; 

div.hmen_cont {
	position: relative;
	/* display: block; */  
	/* makes horizontal centering possible despite undefined width */
	display: inline-block; 
	min-height: 3.0rem;
	/* A second method of centering - optically determined by the viewport width */
	width: auto;
	border-radius: 1.0rem;
	/* centers the enclosed list ! */
	text-align: center; 

div#bg_menu {
	position: absolute; 
	top: 0;
	bottom: 0;
	left: 0; 
	right: 0; 
	border-radius: 0.8rem;
	background-color: #FFF; 
	opacity: 1.0; 
	z-index: 1; 

div.hmen_cont ul {
	position: relative;
	/* makes horizontal centering possible despite undefined width */
	display: inline-block;
	list-style-type: none;
	/*width: 100%;*/
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	padding-left: 0.4rem;
	padding-right: 0.4rem;

div.hmen_cont ul li, 
div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_left,
div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_right {
	float: left;
	padding: 0.2rem 4.0rem 0.2rem 4.0rem;
	height: 2.2rem;
	/*border-left: #ffffff 1px solid;*/
	border-right: #a90000 0.2rem solid;
	min-height: 2.0rem;
	font-size: 1.6rem;

div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_left {
	border-left: #a90000 0.2rem solid;
div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_right {
	border-right: 0; 
div.hmen_cont ul li.floatstop {
	min-height: 0;
	padding: 0;
	font-size: 0;

div.hmen_cont ul li a, 
div.hmen_cont ul li a:visited  {
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #000; 

div.hmen_cont ul li a:hover {
	color: #A90000; 
	background-color: #FFFFBB; 

a#but2 {
	display: block;
	width: 1.6rem;
	height: 1.6rem;
	background-color: #A90000;
	border-top: 0.2rem #CCC solid; 
	border-right: 0.2rem #CCC solid; 
	border-left: 0.2rem #AAA solid; 
	border-bottom: 0.2rem #AAA solid; 

Note that the new layer “div#menu_cont” is floated in its enclosing container “div#main_menu_cont”. This was done due to convenience reasons. In course of the transition to Range I we shall reduce the width of “div#menu_cont” and position it on the right side of the horizontal menu line. This is easily achieved by floating. If we wanted it to collapse to the left side in Range I we would just change the float direction. Thus floating “div#menu_cont” gives us a bit of positioning freedom whenever we should need it. As long as we set the width to “100%” outside Range I we do not need to take care of any centering of “div#menu_cont” there.

Note that we blend out the menu button (via “display:none;”) – as long as we are not in Range I (see below). The dimensions of the block A-tag will become important in Range I.

How exactly do we do the centering for the menu contents?
As the width of “ul#menu_lst” is undefined, we cannot use the usual trick with “margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;”. Instead we need declare the block-element “ul#menu_lst” as an inline element via “display: inline-block;”. After this the CSS property “text-align:center;” of the enclosing container “div#hmen_cont” does its job.

Now the UL-tag is centered in its container. But “div#hmen_cont” has no defined width either. We therefore extend and cascade this type of centering one level higher – and declare also “div#hmen_cont” itself to be an “inline-block” element in its container “div#menu_cont”.

However, there are other possibilities to center dynamically on this outer tag-level:
One possibility could be to declare “div#hmen_cont” as a normal block element, but to set both its “margin-left” and its “margin-right” property to one and the same value. Then the visible width of “div#hmen_cont” and its background element “div#bg_menu” would become independent of the width of “ul#menu_lst”. Instead, the viewport width would determine the visible menu width. Such a centering would, however, not obstruct a further inner centering of the UL-tag within a wider “div#hmen_cont”! Try it out!

Note that instead of centering we could also move the menu containers to the right or left in their enclosing containers by using the property “text-align”. A bit of abstraction and combining different options on the 2 container levels will give us even more options to adapt to different optical layouts requested by our customers. The introduced intermediate containers open up for variety of centered and non-centered layouts of the horizontal menu.

For our next discussion points we shall only follow the line of a full centering. An impression of the resulting menu in Range III can be seen on the following picture.


A transitional option to handle the horizontal menu

What about viewport widths between a typical desktop width of more than 1000 pixels and small viewport width around 400 to 500? In such an intermediate width range it is reasonable to first use the available space a bit better than just collapsing the menu directly. How you would adjust the width of each menu point depends of course on the way how you distributed them:

In our test example the original width of the horizontal menu was defined
by some “padding“-definitions for each the floated “LI”-tags in the horizontal menu (see the CSS above or in the last article). Therefore, an intermediate step could be to reduce the values for horizontal padding substantially when the viewport width shrinks below a threshold:

/* @media screen decision and settings for the horizontal menu */
@media screen and (max-width : 860px) {
	div.hmen_cont ul li {
		padding: 0.2rem 1.2rem 0.2rem 1.2rem;

In our test case this actually helps until the final transition to smallest viewport widths of Range I occurs:



Some warnings:
What looks nice in the pictures actually depends in real web layouts on a proper choice of the width threshold for the transition to smaller padding-values – we want to shrink the padding-values only when the menu width gets too big for the available viewport width. But the menu width in our example depends in turn mainly on the font settings for the page, e.g.:


html {

body {
	margin-top: 0; 
	background-image: url(../image/hg_straa_mp.jpg);
	background-position:top center;
	font-family: Arial; 

p { 
	font-size: 1.4rem; 
	line-height: 1.6rem;
	margin: 0;

Therefore, setting a proper width threshold for which the responsive transition to smaller padding-values shall occur also depends on the chosen font – and under worst circumstances also on font settings for the user’s browser. You see: some effort and testing for different fonts (especially for Google fonts if Android devices are the target client) is waiting for you. (At least if you do not want to depend on Javascript. JS would give you many more possibilities to analyze the situation dynamically.)

As a side effect we again see that a container policy with expandable containers in height is extremely important in responsive designs …. (we followed such a policy so far): If a browser replaced our carefully chosen fonts by some strange font and the available horizontal space got too small then we still had a fallback: We would display the menu with several rows without disturbing the rest of our page. The next pic shows a provoked situation of this type:


You should at least follow the rule: Always set the threshold width for shrinking the distance between menu elements with some safety margins in mind! Already some slight differences in the display of fonts may lead to different behaviors of different browsers! Always test your responsiveness for a font which is set with relatively wide letters (like Verdana) first to be on the safe side.

Furthermore: In more realistic cases than our test example you may need additional thresholds and related successive padding- and/or margin-adjustments. Note that due to automatic margin-/padding-settings for list elements
in some browsers you may have to set margin-values explicitly in addition to controlling the menu width.

How to make a horizontal menu responsive ? Some general alternatives …

The general choices for dealing with a horizontal menu in responsive layouts are in my opinion:

  • Solution 1:Allow for horizontal menus with two or more lines in a certain viewport width range.
  • Solution 2:Adjust the width of the menu elements of a horizontal main menu – by reducing padding/margin-definitions or by introducing percentage widths of the menu elements – below certain viewport width thresholds.
  • Solution 3:Collapse the horizontal menu to a button below a defined viewport width threshold (without or with Javascript support for mouse interactions with the button).
  • Solution 4:Change from a horizontal to a vertical menu and position it properly.

The first solution was shown in the last articles. The second solution was briefly presented above.

At some point of the viewport width, however, you probably want and need to collapse the whole menu. The resulting menu button would then be attached to a vertical menu area whose visibility is controlled by mouse interactions with the button. This means that solution 3 is directly connected with solution 4. However, option 4 could in some cases (i.e. for Javascript free solutions) also be used as a totally independent solution.

After this overview we now concentrate on a collapse solution with a button in our defined viewport width “Range I” – without making use of Javascript [JS].

Collapsing the main menu to a button without Javascript support

A JS free solution may be useful for people who have JS deactivated. Although, without click-events on a button-like element it may be a bit more difficult to control the touch screen interaction with smartphones and tablet-PCs.

Fortunately, the browser developers for smartphones have understood this. E.g. both Firefox and Chrome for Android translate “rollover” events into something very similar to pure “click”-events. Therefore, the following solution should work even in browsers for (Android) smartphones:

CSS statements for a collapsing menu with remote rollover

/* @media screen decision and settings for the horizontal menu */
@media screen and (max-width : 860px) {
	div.hmen_cont ul li, 
	div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_left,
	div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_right
		padding: 0.2rem 1.2rem 0.2rem 1.2rem;

/* @media screen decision and settings for range I */
/* ----------------------------------------------- */

@media screen and (max-width : 539px)  {
	* Treatment of the horizontal menu 
	div#bg_hor_menu {
		opacity: 1.0;

	div#menu_cont {
		margin-right: 4.0rem; 
		width: 5.0rem;  /* button size ! */
		height: 3.0rem;
	a#hmen_but {
		display: block; 

	div#menu_cont:hover div.hmen_cont {
		visibility: visible; 
	div.hmen_cont {
		position: absolute;
		min-height: 3.0rem;
		width: auto;
		min-width: 18.4rem;
		max-width: 25.0rem;
		padding: 0.8rem; 
		background-color: #DDD;
		border-radius: 1.0rem;
		text-align: left; 
	div#bg_menu {
		background-color: #DDD;
		opacity: 1.0;  
	div.hmen_cont ul {
		position: relative;
		list-style-type: none;
		margin: 0;
		padding: 0;
	div.hmen_cont ul li, 
	div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_left,
	div.hmen_cont ul li.hm_li_right {
		float: none;
		padding: 0.2rem 0.4rem 0.2rem 0.8rem;
		/*border-left: #ffffff 1px solid;*/
		border-right: #a90000 0.0rem solid;
		min-height: 2.0rem;
		font-size: 1.6rem;
	div.hmen_cont ul li.floatstop {

	div.hmen_cont ul li p {
		line-height: 1.6rem; 


/* extreme case - reached e.g. by Ctrl + */
@media screen and (max-width : 260px)  {
	div#menu_cont {
		margin-right: 4.0rem; 
	div.hmen_cont {
		right: -4.0rem;
		width: auto; 
		min-width: 0; 
	div#bg_menu {
		background-color: #DDD;  

The horizontal menu line “div#main_menu_cont” and the enclosed background DIV “div#bg_hor_menu” remain visible in all viewport width ranges. But with the transition to Range I we give up the centering and collapse the menu instead. This is done by a sequence of measures:

  • In Range I we make the menu button “a#hmen_but” visible. (In our example just a simple red button).
  • The dimensions of “div#menu_cont” are collapsed down to the size of the menu button. The (floated) container is moved a defined distance away from the right border of its container by setting a right-margin.
  • The menu container “div#hmen_cont” is optically hidden (via: “visibilty:hidden;”)
  • The menu container “div#hmen_cont” gets an absolute position, a minimum and a maximum width. The maximum width is required to enforce line wrapping for long menu points and is adjusted to a further viewport shrinking via an additional width threshold condition.
  • Color and opacity of the menus background layer are adjusted such that the menu region will clearly be visible above other layers. In z-direction the visibility on top of other layers is already guaranteed by the high z-index value assigned to div#head (see above).
  • Floating of the list elements is stopped. This gives us a vertical list of menu points.
  • We define a further width threshold and adjust properties of “div#hmen_cont” for extremely small viewport widths.

Note: The situation of an extreme small viewport width can be provoked in 2 ways in a browser:

  • Firstly by reducing the physical width of the browser window.
  • Secondly via a relative rescaling of the basic font size and adjusting all elements. This happens “Ctrl +” is used in a browser – i.e. by the zooming functionality of the browser in connection with our “rem” CSS-scaling of all dimensions. Everything is recalculated then with relative factors. And relative to the increased font-size the viewport width goes down. So the browser initiates the defined transitions.

The second possibility is the reason why we have to guarantee a reasonable behavior of our web page for even extreme small viewport widths. This explains our final safety transition: @media screen and (max-width : 260px) {}.

The next picture shows our “collapsed” menu in form of a pure button in viewport width Range I:


Triggering the visibility of the menu after the collapse to a button – without JS

The reader may have asked already: How shall a user get access to the new vertical menu which is set to “visibility:hidden;
” in Range I? To achieve this we use a simple “trick” called “remote rollover”:

We move the mouse over an element and another element at a very different position reacts to this rollover. Our “div#menu_cont” and its logically enclosed “div#hmen_cont” provide a typical example:

div#menu_cont:hover div.hmen_cont {
		visibility: visible; 

The pseudo class “:hover” of an container element may trigger CSS properties of an enclosed (absolutely positioned) element at an optical different position. In our case the hover triggers the visibility of its enclosed and now absolutely positioned container div.hmen_cont. The hover actually occurs on all visible elements of the container – independent of where they are located. So, if we could move the mouse from the area of “div#menu_cont” directly into the visible area of “div#hmen_cont” without moving outside one of these containers the triggered visibility of “div#hmen_cont” will sustain. Firefox and Chrome realize this CSS feature properly – so we can use it here.

The next picture gives you an impression of the “rollover” effect:

Exactly what we wanted to achieve. You may also test in Firefox or Chrome that the button and the vertical menu really are vertically “connected” despite the little optical vertical gap between them:

You can move the mouse from the button vertically down into the menu below without loosing contact and visibility. Once visible the lower area remains so if we move the mouse vertically downward in a channel of the button width. This is due to the fact that the upper edge of “div#hmen_cont” seamlessly touches the lower edge of “div#menu_cont”. [If you really wanted or needed a major and visible vertical distance between the two Divs: This can be achieved by introducing a transparent, properly dimensioned and absolutely positioned bridge element, i.e. an additional more or less transparent and absolutely positioned DIV inside “div#menu_cont”.]

However, as soon as the mouse in our example leaves either the area of the button or the area of the still visible menu then the visibility of the menu is lost. So, to make the menu disappear again the user just has to move the mouse outside the connected visible areas of the “menu button” and the menu itself.

What happens in a smartphone browser? See the picture for an Android 5 smartphone in horizontal orientation with relatively low resolution.


OK – range II is chosen. Now what about the button behavior? We rotate the smartphone:


At least in FF or Chrome you can just press your finger (similar to a “click”) on our menu button – and our vertical menu region will appear.


Then you can “click” on any menu point – the menu remains visible. To make the menu disappear the user just
has to “click” – i.e. press the finger – on some page area outside the button or the displayed menu. Nice, isn’t it?

Again a warning:
Although this is a fully functional solution a normal user will find it unusual or even frustrating that a second click on the red button does not hide the menu again. Without JS we unfortunately have no remedy for this. And the page gets not unusable.

Still: We have reached our main objectives. So far, we have only used CSS – no Javascript at all. Nevertheless we have realized a menu collapse with a rollover functionality throughout our responsive viewport width transition.

Of course you can use all the little tricks discussed above also for (left sided) submenus. We come back to this point in a later article of this series.


There is always the trivial alternative for users who have deactivated JS to transform the menu into a permanently visible vertical menu – but with a “position:relative;” inside the then expanding header line. Such a solution would be very similar to what we did with the left sided menu in the last article. We do not need to show code examples. Such a solution would, however, consume even the same or more space at the top of the web page than a simple floating solution with several menu lines. Its only advantage over a floating solution is that it may look a bit more organized.

A supplemental hint regarding scrollbars

All our main relatively positioned containers scale with the viewport width due to a setting of “position:relative; width: 100%;”.
This may not be the case in realistic layouts. If you have a layout where the main page elements do not expand with the viewport above a certain width threshold, but have a maximum width instead, you should always use the following CSS setting

width: 100%;
max-width: your_max_width_value;

and not just

width: your_max_width_value; /* above the threshold */

for all outmost containers inside the body and where necessary also for enclosed elements. Do not forget to do this also for images which shall be scaled below a width threshold set for the named max-width of the elements.)

This type of setting is required to give the browser a chance to deal in a reasonable way with vertical scrollbars and a restructuring of the page elements when the scrollbar is displayed. Note that the viewport width includes the width scrollbar to be displayed. I.e. the scrollbar is part of the viewport. So changes of page elements during responsive transitions may only occur when the distance between the left browser edge and the right outer (!) edge of the scrollbar fits to the viewport width threshold value. So some elements may be covered and hidden by the scrollbar before the CSS statements below the width threshold get operative.

Therefore, if you just switch the CSS properties for containers to “width: 100%;” below the width threshold a vertical and an additional (superfluous) horizontal scrollbar may appear. If you instead use the given definition above only the vertical scrollbar will appear because the browser then can rearrange the displayed contents as soon as the vertical scrollbar appears and even when it moves inside the width threshold.


Even without JS a solution is achievable with a collapsed menu at small viewport widths. It is fully functional though maybe not exactly how the user may expect it.

In the forthcoming article

Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – main menu control with JS/jQuery and font-size adaption –

we shall discuss how we introduce some simple Javascript functionality into the menu handling.

Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – the DIV order problem – I

My wife works on a web project in Norway. As it is typical these days, functionality gets more weight than design when displaying web pages on mobile devices. Especially after Google’s decisions to explicitly require responsiveness. [Which was in my opinion mostly driven by their own interests to promote Android driven devices and their own development tools. And then maybe by general market and selling requirements. But this is a different story… ]

IT and communication in Norway is all about smart phones and tablets. So, of course, our Norwegian customer wanted to get some “responsive design”. OK … Although not really interested, I do take some challenges when my wife asks me for assistance …

As I am getting pretty IT-conservative with growing age my starting point with “responsiveness” was a fluid layout combined with “@media screen” CSS decisions – and a reluctance to use Javascript [JS] and jQuery. (This reluctance, of course, reflects the nagging question: What do we do when a customer has deactivated JS?)

My opinion was: In a certain range of browser window width – or more generally viewport width – the fluidity of the web design should predominantly govern the responsive reaction to a width change or a small target screen. I regard such a careful JS-free approach to responsive web design as reasonable – it helps already with different browser sizes on standard desktop screens – completely independent of mobile devices.

More extreme measures as removing visible parts of the layout or rearranging the positions, sizes and vertical order of whole HTML DIV container blocks would in this approach only be involved below certain viewport width thresholds via “@media” decisions. All in all, no big deal, I thought …. (In the first articles of this series we do not look at more detailed things as image resizing or font size adaptions).

What I underestimated is the fact that “old fashioned” fluid layouts may require a certain HTML tag order when we define its multiple columns”. However, in a responsive design approach you may eventually stumble across situations where the natural DIV element order you are used to is NOT suitable below some viewport width limits – i.e. when you want to rearrange the position and size of these DIV containers in a certain way. It took me some time to realize that there was a kind of contradiction between fluidity and responsiveness.

At this point I felt tempted again to use jQuery to freely rearrange the order of nodes of container DIVs in the HTML node tree or to use CSS flex boxes. However, flexboxes are not really standardized yet – and once you start with jQuery and responsiveness you must take care to align your Javascript conditions with the CSS @media decisions in a precise and non contradictory way. In addition I thought it better to understand JS free options and possibilities first before implementing some parametrizable JS machinery.

Whilst experimenting I all the time had the feeling that with some dirty CSS trick one should be able to gain control over the DIV element order – without destroying the optical appearance – and become able to adapt it to any predefined responsive reordering requirements for small viewport widths. I needed some hours to figure out how I could overcome at least some of the problems. I had some fun with this and maybe others find tweaking CSS interesting, too.

In this first article of a series I like to describe a standard flexible 3 column fluid layout and the CSS directives behind it. In a second article I shall add some elementary responsiveness and deduct the problem of the DIV order. Then I shall describe some CSS “trick” which will enable us to (manually) change or adapt the required DIV order in the HTML code without loosing fluidity and without loosing the optical appearance of the inital horizontal sequence of our columns. This will help us to achieve the pursued responsive and
vertical container rearrangement with a few very simple CSS changes below some width threshold of the viewport.

In other words: Our first objective is find CSS manipulations which enable us to code any required DIV order for the column grid in HTML such

  • that we optically do not change the column order or layout,
  • that we do not disturb the ability of our 3 column layout to adapt optically to the height of its largest (= highest) column,
  • that we can produce any predefined vertical content order of the column contents during a responsive reaction to view port width changes
  • and that we at the same time can realize responsiveness easily by basically changing some float or position statements in @media screen based decisions in our CSS file.

Note that the second point may impose additional difficulties!

Note further that even if we fulfilled our list of objectives we still would have to plan ahead our HTML code and its DIV order for the specific responsive layout we want to achieve. But being able to choose the required DIV order for our HTML code would already gives us the chance to create templates for different responsive reactions required by customers. In combination e.g. with PHP such templates would give us the freedom to switch any horizontal column order into any desired vertical order during responsive reactions – without involving JS.

Nevertheless, later in this series I want to show how we can use Javascript/jQuery to enforce a predefined responsive vertical order of the column contents from a basic 3-column layout we develop in the next two articles. But, at least I myself need some learning curve to get there.

We shall concentrate our efforts on a fluid 3-column layout.

Study example: A fluid/fixed layout with 3 columns

Below, we construct a simple example of a 3 column layout, where you arrange

  • a kind of navigation column on the left web page side,
  • a main contents area in the middle
  • and some column like area, e.g. for teaser elements, on the right page side.

Your fluidity objectives for a certain range of viewport widths would e.g. be

  • that the left column keeps up a fixed width,
  • whereas the middle main column changes its width adaptively with the viewport width
  • and that the right column adapts its width to a defined percentage of the viewport width.

Thus we have defined a combination of fixed/fluid elements which provides a good insight into the basic CSS techniques. Generalizations will be obvious. You require of course that the width adaption happens automatically whilst resizing the viewport width in the given range. All this should be governed by CSS statements, only. Imagine now, that you want to tweak things a bit further in the form that the longest of the three defined “columns” determines the height of the whole page and the apparent “visible” height of the other (not so high) columns, too. Above a responsiveness width threshold at least.

Typically, the main content column may become largest in size (height), whereas e.g. the left column may contain only some few menu points. Nevertheless, you want to create an appearance as if all 3 columns got the same height as the largest one with respect to height – and this should work automatically even if you changed the text and image contents of the content column significantly (e.g. via an CMS). This means that in case you add many lines of new text to the middle column the whole page and its right and left areas should somehow
optically adapt in height.
And: Everything should work analogously in case either the left or right column becomes the largest in height on some pages.

There is of course a simple, “conservative” CSS solution for this problem which I shall discuss a bit below. However, the requirement of fluidity in width in combination with the requirement of extending the web pages height automatically will unavoidably lead to a certain order of the HTML DIV containers.

Some details of our conventional fluid approach

The HTML file is pretty simple:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>fluid standard</title>
<link href="css/fluid_standard.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- 3 spalten layout -->
<div id="all">
	<div id="head">
		<div id="hmen_knapp_cont" class="hmen_knapp_cont">
			<a id="hmen_knapp"></a>
		<div id="hmen_cont" class="hmen_cont">
				<li><div class="hmen_pkt">h-menu 1</div></li>
				<li><div class="hmen_pkt">h-menu 2</div></li>
				<li><div class="hmen_pkt">h-menu 3</div></li>
				<li><div class="hmen_pkt">h-menu 4</div></li>
				<li><div class="hmen_pkt">h-menu 5</div></li>
				<li><div class="hmen_pkt"><a id="but2" href="#"></a></div></li>
				<li class="floatstop"></li>
	<div id="outer_cont">
		<div id="nav_left_bg"></div>
		<div id="right_bg"></div>
		<div id="info_bg"></div>
		<div id="float_cont">
			<div id="left_nav">
				<p><a href="#">sub menu point 1</a></p>
				<p><a href="#">sub menu point 2</a></p>
				<p><a href="#">sub menu point 3</a></p>
			<div id="right">
				<div id="right_inner">
					<p>Some stupid text - just to show something</p>
					<p> </p>
					<p>Some stupid text - just to show something</p>
			<div id="main_cont">
				<div id="info"> 
					<p>Lorem ipsum .... </p>
					<p> </p>
					<p>Lorem ipsum ....</p>
					<p> </p>
					<p>This is the end, my friend<br> </p>
			<p class="floatstop"> </p>

The central DIV that shall contain most of the information of our web page is “div#info”. Why we have placed it inside an extra container “div#main_cont” may become clear in the next article. In the pure fluid approach it would not really have been necessary. You clearly detect the “left” sided DIV for e.g. a column with navigation points and the “right” sided DIV, which may contain something else. Note that there are “background” DIVs (with an ID like “…_bg”) that provide the impression of colored columns with exactly the length of the “outer_cont” DIV.

To understand the fluid behavior let us have a look at the CSS :


html {

body {

p { 
	font-size: 1.6rem; 
	line-height: 1.4;
	margin: 0;


div#all { 
	background-color: #000; 

/* The header region */	

div#head { 
	background-color: #FF0; 
	min-height: 3.0rem;

/* The main contents container */
div#outer_cont { 
	background-color: #FF0; 
	min-height: 10.0rem;
/* background elements for all columns */

div#nav_left_bg {
    width: 14.2rem;

div#right_bg {
    width: 26%;

div#info_bg {

div#nav_left_bg {
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #DDD;
    border: 1px solid #F00;

div#right_bg {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    background-color: #FEEEBB;
    border: 0px solid #F00;

/* The float container and its basic elements */	

div#float_cont { 
	width: 100%; 
	/*background-color: #99e;*/ 
	border: 0px solid #FF0000;

/* left column */

div#left_nav { 
    border: 0px solid #009900;
    /*margin-left: -320px;*/

/* middle column */

div#main_cont { 
	position: relative;
	margin: 0 27% 0 15rem;
	/*min-width: 462px;*/
	/*background-color: #fff;*/ 
	border: 0px solid #009900;

div#info { 
	position: relative; 
	/*margin: 0 2px 0 160px;*/  
	background-color: #0f0; 

/* right column */

div#right { 
	/*min-width: 15.2rem;*/ 
	width: 26%;
	/*background-color: #00f;*/ 
	border: 0px solid #009900;

div#right_inner {
    padding: 0 0.8rem 0 0.8rem;

/* Other elements */ 	

p.floatstop {
	padding: 0;
	font-size: 0;

/* contents of the upper horozontal menu */
div.hmen_cont {
	display: block; 
	position: relative;
	min-height: 3.0rem;
	width: 100%;
	background-color: #ccc;

div.hmen_cont ul {
	position: relative;
	list-style-type: none;
	width: 100%;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	background-color: #00EE00;

div.hmen_cont ul li {
	float: left;
	padding: 2px 40px 2px 40px;
	border-left: #ffffff 1px solid;
	border-right: #a90000 1px solid;
	min-height: 2.0rem;
	font-size: 1.6rem;
div.hmen_cont ul li.floatstop {
	padding: 0;
	font-size: 0;

div#hmen_knapp_cont {
	display: none;
	position: absolute;
	width: 50%;
	height: 2.4rem;
	border: 1px #A90000 solid;

a#hmen_knapp {
	display: block;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	background-color: #009999;		

a#but2 {
	display: block;
	height: 20px;
	background-color: #eee;

Note that all of the DIVs

  • div#all,
  • div#outer_cont,
  • div#float_cont,
  • div#main_cont,
  • div#info

got a “position: relative;”, but none got any defined height. Actually, as we stop the floating at the end of “div#float_cont” via an artificial p-element, the “div#float_cont” container responds dynamically to the maximum height of one of its inner floated elements or relatively positioned elements and imposes its own height on the surrounding DIV container “div#outer_cont”. The resulting height of this container can be used to indirectly define the height of absolutely positioned background
DIV elements which “simulate” a colored virtual height of all columns – at least as long as we do not rearrange DIV containers due to responsiveness.

Whereas the width adaptivity of the right column is understandable from its CSS width statement, the adaptivity of the “div#main_cont” results from its relative positioning with left and right margins on top of the vertical level which is automatically defined by the floated elements inside the “div#float_cont”. The margins guarantee that we leave enough space on the left and right side not to cover the floated columns contents there.

This fluid design is quite adaptive already – see the following images taken with Firefox.




But, of course, the column adaptivity will not be of much use on small smart phone displays: First there comes an end to shrinking as soon as some words get too large to fit into their column width. And on a smart phone we would appreciate very much to use all of the available width for the text in the main column. We shall look at related measures in the next article.

For now, I want you to realize that the above fluid design relies totally on the order of the DIVs inside the “div#float_cont”. See, what happens, if we changed the order of the DIVs to

<div id="float_cont">
	<div id="main_cont"> ... </div>
	<div id="left_nav">..</div>
	<div id="right"> ... </div>
	<p class="floatstop"> </p>


Then the first DIV spans a region with height that defines the position of the layer for the floated elements – namely below the “div#main_cont”. So our nice fluid design would be doomed to fail in case we needed some other DIV order.

Outlook on forthcoming posts

In the next post

Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – the DIV order problem – II

we introduce some elementary responsiveness and discuss, why the defined DIV order in the HTML code may conflict with a responsive rearrangement. We shall present a responsive solution where some few CSS tricks allow us to (manually) change the DIV order in the HTML code in whatever required way to maintain an easy realization of responsiveness. See also

Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – the DIV order problem – III

for a full discussion.

In the articles
Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – with a responsive horizontal menu – IV
Responsive fluid multi-column layouts – with a responsive horizontal menu – V
we discuss menu adaptions without and with Javascript.

Our final objective is to use JS to switch the DIV tag order in the HTML node tree for
a basic 3 column layout in accordance with the required DIV order for a defined responsiveness – in a parametrized way.