Pandas dataframe, German vocabulary – select words by matching a few 3-char-grams – IV

In the last posts of this mini-series we have studied if and how we can use three 3-char-grams at defined positions of a string token to identify matching words in a reference vocabulary. We have seen that we should choose some distance between the char-grams and that we should use the words length information to keep the list of possible hits small.

Such a search may be interesting if there is only fragmented information available about some words of a text or if one cannot trust the whole token to be written correctly. There may be other applications. Note: This has so far nothing to do with text analysis based on machine learning procedures. I would put the whole topic more in the field of text preparation or text rebuilding. But, I think that one can combine our simple identification of fitting words by 3-char-grams with ML-methods which evaluate the similarity or distance of a (possibly misspelled) token with vocabulary words: When we get a long hit-list we could invoke ML-methods to to determine the best fitting word.

We saw that we can do a 100,000 search runs with 3-char-grams on a decent vocabulary of around 2 million words in a Pandas dataframe below a 1.3 minutes on one CPU core of an older PC. In this concluding article I want to look a bit at the idea of multiprocessing the search with up to 4 CPU cores.

Points to take into account when using multiprocessing – do not expect too much

Pandas normally just involves one CPU core to do its job. And not all operations on a Pandas dataframe may be well suited for multiprocessing. Readers who have followed the code fragments in this series so far will probably and rightly assume that there is indeed a chance for reasonably separating our search process for words or at least major parts of it.

But even then – there is always some overhead to expect from splitting a Pandas dataframe into segments (or “partitions”) for a separate operations on different CPU cores. Overhead is also expected from the task to correctly to combine the particular results from the different processor cores to a data unity (here: dataframe) again at the end of a multiprocessed run.

A bottleneck for multiprocessing may also arise if multiple processes have to access certain distinct objects in memory at the same time. In our case we this point is to be expected for the access of and search within distinct sub-dataframes of the vocabulary containing words of a specific length.

Due to overhead and bottlenecks we do not expect that a certain problem scales directly and linearly with the number of CPU cores. Another point is that although the Linux OS may recognize a hyperthreading physical core of an Intel processor as two cores – but it may not be able to use such virtual cores in a given context as if they were real separate physical cores.

Code to invoke multiple processor cores

In this article I just use the standard Python “multiprocessing” module. (I did not test Ray yet – as a first trial gave me trouble in some preparing code-segments of my Jupyter notebooks. I did not have time to solve the problems there.)

Following some advice on the Internet I handled parallelization in the following way:

import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool

#cores = cpu_count() # Number of physical CPU cores on your system
cores = 4
partitions = cores # But actually you can define as many partitions as you want

def parallelize(data, func):
    data_split = np.array_split(data, partitions)
    pool = Pool(cores)
    data = pd.concat(, data_split), copy=False)
    return data

The basic function, corresponding to the parameter “func” of function “parallelize”, which shall be executed in our case is structurally well known from the last posts of this article series:

We perform a search via
putting conditions on columns (of the vocabulary-dataframe) containing 3-char-grams at different positions. The search is done on sub-dataframes of the vocabulary containing only words with a given length. The respective addresses are controlled by a Python dictionary “d_df”; see the last post for its creation. We then build a list of indices of fitting words. The dataframe containing the test tokens – in our case a random selection of real vocabulary words – will be called “dfw” inside the function “func() => getlen()” (see below). To understand the code you should be aware of the fact that the original dataframe is split into (4) partitions.

We only return the length of the list of hits and not the list of indices for each token itself.

# Function for parallelized operation 
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def getlen(dfw):
    # Note 1: The dfw passed is a segment ("partition") of the original dataframe  
    # Note 2: We use a dict d_lilen which was defined outside  
    #         and is under the control of the parallelization manager
    num_rows = len(dfw)
    for i in range(0, num_rows):
        len_w = dfw.iat[i,0]
        idx = dfw.iat[i,33]
        df_name = "df_" + str(len_w)
        df_ = d_df[df_name]

        j_m = math.floor(len_w/2)+1
        j_l = 2
        j_r = len_w -1
        col_l = 'gram_' + str(j_l)
        col_m = 'gram_' + str(j_m)
        col_r = 'gram_' + str(j_r)
        val_l = dfw.iat[i, j_l+2]
        val_m = dfw.iat[i, j_m+2]
        val_r = dfw.iat[i, j_r+2]
        li_ind = df_.index[   (df_[col_r]==val_r) 
                            & (df_[col_m]==val_m)
                            & (df_[col_l]==val_l)
        d_lilen[idx] = len(li_ind)

    # The dataframe must be returned - otherwise it will not be concatenated after parallelization 
    return dfw

While the processes work on different segments of our input dataframe we write results to a Python dictionaryd_lilen” which is under the control of the “parallelization manager” (see below). A dictionary is appropriate as we might otherwise loose control over the dataframe-indices during the following processes.

A reduced dataframe containing randomly selected “tokens”

To make things a bit easier we first create a “token”-dataframe “dfw_shorter3” based on a random selection of 100,000 indices from a dataframe containing long vocabulary words (length ≥ 10). We can derive it from our reference vocabulary. I have called the latter dataframe “dfw_short3” in the last post (because we use three 3-char-grams for longer tokens). “dfw_short3” contains all words of our vocabulary with a length of “10 ≤ length ≤ 30”.

# Prepare a sub-dataframe for of the random 100,000 words 
# ******************************
num_w = 100000
len_dfw = len(dfw_short3)

# select a 100,000 random rows 
# Note: random.sample does not repeat values 
li_ind_p_w = random.sample(range(0, len_dfw), num_w)
len_li_p_w = len(li_ind_p_w)

dfw_shorter3 = dfw_short3.iloc[li_ind_p_w, :].copy() 
dfw_shorter3['lx'] = 0
dfw_shorter3['idx'] = dfw_shorter3.index

The resulting dataframe “dfw_shorter3” looks like :

nYou see that the index varies randomly and is not in ascending order! This is the reason why we must pick up the index-information during our parallelized operations!

Code for executing parallelized run

The following code enforces a parallelized execution:

manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
d_lilen = manager.dict()

v_start_time = time.perf_counter()
dfw_res = parallelize(dfw_shorter3, getlen)
v_end_time = time.perf_counter()
cpu_time   = v_end_time - v_start_time
print("cpu : ", cpu_time)

mean_length  = sum(d_lilen.values()) / len(d_lilen)

The parallelized run takes about 29.5 seconds.

cpu :  29.46206265499968

How does cpu-time vary with the number of cores of my (hyperthreading) CPU?

The cpu-time does not improve much when the number of cores gets bigger than the number of real physical cores:

1 core : 90.5 secs       
2 cores: 47.6 secs  
3 cores: 35.1 secs 
4 cores: 29.4 secs 
5 cores: 28.2 secs 
6 cores: 26.9 secs 
7 cores: 26.0 secs 
8 cores: 25.5 secs

My readers know about this effect already from ML experiments with CUDA and libcublas:

As long a s we use physical processor cores we see substantial improvement, beyond that no real gain in performance is observed on hyperthreading CPUs.

Compared to a run with just one CPU core we seem to gain a factor of almost 3 by parallelization. But, actually, this is no fair comparison: My readers have certainly seen that the CPU-time for the run with one CPU-Core is significantly slower than comparable runs which I described in my last post. At that time we found a cpu-time of around 75 secs, only. So, we have a basic deficit of about 15 secs – without real parallelization!

Overhead and RAM consumption of multiprocessing

Why does run with just one CPU core take so long time? Is it functional overhead for organizing and controlling multiprocessing – which may occur despite using just one core and just one “partition” of the dataframe (i.e. the full dataframe)? Well, we can test this easily by reconstructing the runs of my last post a bit:

# Reformulate Run just for cpu-time comparisons 
# **********************************************
b_test = True 

# Function  
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def getleng(dfw, d_lileng):
    # Note 1: The dfw passed is a segment of the original dataframe  
    # Note 2: We use a list l_lilen which was outside defined 
    #         and is under the control of the prallelization manager
    num_rows = len(dfw)
    for i in range(0, num_rows):
        len_w = dfw.iat[i,0]
        idx = dfw.iat[i,33]
        df_name = "df_" + str(len_w)
        df_ = d_df[df_name]

        j_m = math.floor(len_w/2)+1
        j_l = 2
        j_r = len_w -1
        col_l = 'gram_' + str(j_l)
        col_m = 'gram_' + str(j_m)
        col_r = 'gram_' + str(j_r)
        val_l = dfw.iat[i, j_l+2]
        val_m = dfw.iat[i, j_m+2]
        val_r = dfw.iat[i, j_r+2]
        li_ind = df_.index[   (df_[col_r]==val_r) 
                            & (df_[col_m]==val_m)
                            & (df_[col_l]==val_l)
        leng = len(li_ind)
        d_lileng[idx] = leng

    return d_lileng

if b_test: 
    num_w = 100000
    len_dfw = len(dfw_short3)

    # select a 100,000 random rows 
    # Note: random.sample does not repeat values 
    li_ind_p_w = random.sample(range(0, len_dfw), num_w)
    len_li_p_w = len(li_ind_p_w)

    dfw_shortx = dfw_short3.iloc[li_ind_p_
w, :].copy() 
    dfw_shortx['lx']  = 0
    dfw_shortx['idx'] = dfw_shortx.index

    d_lileng = {} #

    v_start_time = time.perf_counter()
    d_lileng = getleng(dfw_shortx, d_lileng)
    v_end_time = time.perf_counter()
    cpu_time   = v_end_time - v_start_time
    print("cpu : ", cpu_time)
    mean_length = sum(d_lileng.values()) / len(d_lileng)

How long does such a run take?

cpu :  77.96989408900026

Just 78 secs! This is pretty close to the number of 75 secs we got in our last post’s efforts! So, we see that turning to multiprocessing leads to significant functional overhead! The gain in performance, therefore, is less than the factor 3 observed above:

We (only) get a gain in performance by a factor of roughly 2.5 – when using 4 physical CPU cores.

I admit that I have no broad or detailed experience with Python multiprocessing. So, if somebody sees a problem in my code, please, send me a mail.

RAM is not released completely
Another negative side effect was the use of RAM in my case. Whereas we just get 2.2 GB RAM consumption with all required steps and copying parts of the loaded dataframe with all 3-char-grams in the above test run without multiprocessing, I saw a monstrous rise in memory during the parallelized runs:

Starting from a level of 2.4 GB, memory rose to 12.5 GB during the run and then fell back to 4.5 GB. So, there are copying processes and memory is not completely released again in the end – despite having all and everything encapsulated in functions. Repeating the multiprocessed runs even lead to a systematic increase in memory by about 150 MB per run.

So, when working with the “multiprocessing module” and big Pandas dataframes you should be a bit careful about the actual RAM consumption during the runs.


This series about finding words in a vocabulary by using two or three 3-char-grams may have appeared a bit “academical” – as one of my readers told me. Why the hell should someone use only a few 3-char-grams to identify words?

Well, I have tried to give some answers to this question: Under certain conditions you may only have fragments of words available; think of text transcribed from a recorded, but distorted communication with Skype or think of physically damaged written text documents. A similar situation may occur when you cannot trust a written string token to be a correctly written word – due to misspelling or other reasons (bad OCR SW or bad document conditions for scans combined with OCR).

In addition: character-grams are actually used as a basis for multiple ML methods for text-analysis tasks, e.g. in Facebook’s Fasttext. They give a solid base for an embedded word vector space which can help to find and measure similarities between correctly written words, but also between correctly written words and fantasy words or misspelled words. Looking a bit at the question of how much a few 3-char-grams help to identify a word is helpful to understand their power in other contexts, too.

We have seen that only three 3-char-grams can identify matching words quite well – even if the words are long words (up to 30 characters). The list of matching words can be kept surprisingly small if and when

  • we use available or reasonable length information about the words we want to find,
  • we define positions for the 3-char-grams inside the words,
  • we put some positional distance between the location of the chosen 3-char-grams inside the words.

For a 100,000 random cases with correctly written 3-char-grams the average length of the hit list was below 2 – if the distance between the 3-char-grams was
reasonably large compared to the token-length. Similar results were found for using only two 3-char-grams for short words.

We have also covered some very practical aspects regarding search operation on relatively big Pandas dataframes :

The CPU-time for identifying words in a Pandas dataframe by using 3-char-grams is reasonably small to allow for experiments with around 100,000 tokens even on PCs within minutes or quarters of an hour – but it does not take hours. As using 3-char-grams corresponds to putting conditions on two or three columns of a dataframe this result can be generalized to other similar problems with string comparisons on dataframe columns.

The basic RAM consumption of dataframes containing up to fifty-five 3-char-grams per word can be efficiently controlled by using the dtype “category” for the respective columns.

Regarding cpu-time we saw that working with many searches may get a performance boost by a factor well above 2 by using simple multiprocessing techniques based on Python’s “multiprocessing” module. However, this comes with an unpleasant side effect of enormous RAM consumption – at least temporarily.

I hope you had some fun with this series of posts. In a forthcoming series I will apply these results to the task of error correction. Stay tuned.



Pandas dataframe, German vocabulary – select words by matching a few 3-char-grams – II

In my last post

Pandas dataframe, German vocabulary – select words by matching a few 3-char-grams – I

I have discussed some properties of 3-char-grams of words in a German word list. (See the named post for the related structure of a Pandas dataframe (“dfw_uml”) which hosts both the word list and all corresponding 3-char-grams.) In particular I presented the distribution of the maximum and mean number of words per unique 3-char-gram against the position of the 3-char-grams inside the the words of my vocabulary.

In the present post I want to use the very same Pandas dataframe to find German words which match two or three 3-char-grams defined at different positions inside some given strings or “tokens” of a text to be analyzed by a computer. One question in such a context is: How do we choose the 3-char-gram-positions to make the selection process effective in the sense of a short list of possible hits?

The dataframe has in my case 2.7 million rows for individual words and up to 55 columns for the values 3-char-grams at 55 positions. In the case of short words the columns are filled by artificial 3-char-grams “###”.

My objective and a naive approach

Let us assume that we have a string (or “token”) of e.g. 15 characters for a (German) word. The token contains some error in the sense of a wrongly written or omitted letter. Unfortunately, our text-analysis program does not know which letter of the string is wrongly written. So it wants to find words which may fit to the general character structure. We therefore pick a few 3-grams at given positions of our token. We then want to find words which match two or three 3-char-grams at different positions of the string – hoping that we chose 3-char-grams which do not contain any error. If we get no match we try different a different combination of 3-gram-positions.

In such a brute-force comparison process you would like to quickly pin down the number of matching words with a very limited bunch of 3-grams of the test token. The grams’ positions should be chosen such that the hit list contains a minimum of fitting words. We, therefore, can pose this problem in a different way:

Which chosen positions or positional distances of two or three 3-char-grams inside a string token reduces the list of matching words from a vocabulary to a minimum?

Maybe there is a theoretically well founded solution for this problem. Personally, I am too old and too lazy to analyze such problems with solid mathematical statistics. I take a shortcut and trust my guts. It seems reasonable to me that the selected 3-char-grams should be distributed across the test string with a maximum distance between them. Let us see how far we get with this naive approach.

For the experiments discussed below I use

  • three 3-char-grams for tokens longer than 9 characters.
  • two 3-char-grams for tokens shorter than 9 letters.

For our first tests we pick correctly written 3-char-grams of test words. This means that we take correctly written words as our test tokens. The handling of tokens with wrongly written characters will be the topic of future articles.

Position combinations of two 3-char-grams for relatively short words

To get some idea about the problem’s structure I first pick a test-word like “eisenbahn”. As it is a relatively short word we start working with only two 3-char-grams. My test-word is an interesting one as it is a compound of two individual words “eisen” and “bahn”. There are many other words in the German language which either contain the first or the second word. And in German we can
add even more words to get even longer compounds. So, we would guess with some confidence that there are many hits if we chose two 3-char-grams overlapping each other or being located too close to each other. In addition we would also expect that we should use the length information about the token (or the sought words) during the selection process.

With a stride of 1 we have exactly seven 3-char-grams which reside completely inside our test-word. This gives us 21 options to use two 3-char-grams to find matching words.

To raise the chance for a bunch of alternative results we first look at words with up to 12 characters in our vocabulary and create a respective shortened slice of our dataframe “dfw_uml”:

# Reduce the vocab to strings < max_len => Build dfw_short
#b_exact_length = False
b_exact_length = True

min_len = 4
max_len = 12
length  = 9

mil = min_len - 1 
mal = max_len + 1

if b_exact_length: 
    dfw_short = dfw_uml.loc[(dfw_uml.lower.str.len() == length)]
    dfw_short = dfw_uml.loc[(dfw_uml.lower.str.len() > mil) & (dfw_uml.lower.str.len() < mal)]
dfw_short = dfw_short.iloc[:, 2:26]

The above code allows us to choose whether we shorten the vocabulary to words with a length inside an interval or to words with a defined exact length. A quick and dirty code fragment to evaluate some statistics for all possible 21 position combinations for two 3-char-grams is the following:

# Hits for two 3-grams distributed over 9-letter and shorter words
# *****************************************************************
b_full_vocab  = False # operate on the full vocabulary 
#b_full_vocab  = True # operate on the full vocabulary 

word  = "eisenbahn"
word  = "löwenzahn"
word  = "kellertür"
word  = "nashorn"
word  = "vogelart"

d_col = { "col_0": "gram_2", "col_1": "gram_3", "col_2": "gram_4", "col_3": "gram_5",
          "col_4": "gram_6", "col_5": "gram_7", "col_6": "gram_8" 
d_val = {}
for i in range(0,7):
    key_val  = "val_" + str(i)
    sl_start = i
    sl_stop  = sl_start + 3
    val = word[sl_start:sl_stop] 
    d_val[key_val] = val

li_cols = [0] # list of cols to display in a final dataframe 

d_num = {}
# find matching words for all position combinations
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
upper_num = len(word) - 2 
for i in range(0,upper_num): 
    col_name1 = "col_" + str(i)
    val_name1 = "val_"  + str(i)
    col1 = d_col[col_name1]
    val1 = d_val[val_name1]
    col_name2 = ''
    val_name2 = ''
    for j in range(0,upper_num):
        if j <= i : 
            col_name2 = "col_" + str(j)
            val_name2 = "val_"  + str(j)
            col2 = d_col[col_name2]
            val2 = d_val[val_name2]
            # matches ?
            if b_full_vocab:
                li_ind = dfw_uml.index[  (dfw_uml[col1]==val1) 
                                    &    (dfw_uml[col2]==val2)
                li_ind = dfw_short.index[(dfw_short[col1]==val1) 
                                    &    (dfw_short[col2]==val2)
            num = len(li_ind)
            key = str(i)+':'+str(j)
            d_num[key] = num
#print("length of d_num = ", len(d_num))

# bar diagram 
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 12
fig_size[1] = 6
names  = list(d_num.keys())
values = list(d_num.values())
num)), values, tick_label=names)
plt.xlabel("positions of the chosen two 3-grams", fontsize=14, labelpad=18)
plt.ylabel("number of matching words", fontsize=14, labelpad=18)
font_weight = 'bold' 
font_weight = 'normal' 
if b_full_vocab: 
    add_title = "\n(full vocabulary)"
elif  (not b_full_vocab and not b_exact_length):
    add_title = "\n(reduced vocabulary)"
    add_title = "\n(only words with length = 9)"
plt.title("Number of words for different position combinations of two 3-char-grams" + add_title, 
          fontsize=16, fontweight=font_weight, pad=18)

You see that I prepared three different 9-letter words. And we can choose whether we want to find matching words of the full or of the shortened dataframe.

The code, of course, imposes conditions on two columns of the dataframe. As we are only interested in the number of resulting words we use these conditions together with the “index()”-function of Pandas.

Number of matching relatively short words against position combinations for two 3-char-grams

For the full vocabulary we get the following statistics for the test-word “eisenbahn”:

{'val_0': 'eis', 'val_1': 'ise', 'val_2': 'sen', 'val_3': 'enb', 'val_4': 'nba', 'val_5': 'bah', 'val_6': 'ahn'}
{'0:1': 5938, '0:2': 5899, '0:3': 2910, '0:4': 2570, '0:5': 2494, '0:6': 2500, '1:2': 5901, '1:3': 2910, '1:4': 2570, '1:5': 2494, '1:6': 2500, '2:3': 3465, '2:4': 2683, '2:5': 2498, '2:6': 2509, '3:4': 4326, '3:5': 2681, '3:6': 2678, '4:5': 2836, '4:6': 2832, '5:6': 3857}

Note: The first and leftmost 3-char-gram is located at position “0”, i.e. we count positions from zero. Then the last position is at position “word-length – 3”.

The absolute numbers are much too big. But this plot already gives a clear indication that larger distances between the two 3-char-grams are better to limit the size of the result set. When we use the reduced vocabulary slice (with words shorter than 13 letters) we get

{'0:1': 1305, '0:2': 1277, '0:3': 143, '0:4': 48, '0:5': 20, '0:6': 24, '1:2': 1279, '1:3': 143, '1:4': 48, '1:5': 20, '1:6': 24, '2:3': 450, '2:4': 125, '2:5': 23, '2:6': 31, '3:4': 634, '3:5': 58, '3:6': 55, '4:5': 76, '4:6': 72, '5:6': 263}

For some combinations the resulting hit list is much shorter (< 50)! And the effect of some distance between the chosen char-grams gets much more pronounced.

Corresponding data for the words “löwenzahn” and “kellertür” confirm the tendency:

Test-word “löwenzahn”

Watch the lower numbers along the y-scale!

Test-token “kellertür”

Using the information about the word length for optimization

On average the above numbers are still too big for a later detailed comparative analysis with our test token – even on the reduced vocabulary. We expect an improvement by including the length information. What numbers do we get when we use a list with words having exactly the same length as the test-word?

You find the results below:

Test-token “eisenbahn”

{'0:1': 158, '0:2': 155, '0:3': 16, '0:4': 6, '0:5': 1, '0:6': 3, '1:2': 155, '1:3': 16, '1:4': 6, '1:5': 1, '1:6': 3, '2:3': 83, '2:4': 37, '2:5': 3, '2:6': 9, '3:4': 182, '3:5': 17, '3:6': 17, '4:5': 22, '4:6': 22, '5:6': 109}

Test-token “löwenzahn”

{'0:1': 94, '0:2': 94, '0:3': 3, '0:4': 2, '0:5': 2, '0:6': 1, '1:2': 94, '1:3': 3, '1:4': 2, '1:5': 2, '1:6': 1, '2:3': 3, '2:4': 2, '2:5': 2, '2:6': 1, '3:4': 54, '3:5': 43, '3:6': 13, '4:5': 59, '4:6': 14, '5:6': 46}

Test-token “kellertür”

{'0:1': 14, '0:2': 13, '0:3': 13, '0:4': 5, '0:5': 1, '0:6': 1, '1:2': 61, '1:3': 24, '1:4': 5, '1:5': 1, '1:6': 2, '2:3': 36, '2:4': 8, '2:5': 1, '2:6': 3, '3:4': 12, '3:5': 1, '3:6': 1, '4:5': 17, '4:6': 17, '5:6': 17}

For an even shorter word like “vogelart” and “nashorn” two 3-char-grams cover almost all of the word. But even here the number of hits is largest for neighboring 3-char-grams:

Test-word “vogelart” (8 letters)

{'val_0': 'vog', 'val_1': 'oge', 'val_2': 'gel', 'val_3': 'ela', 'val_4': 'lar', 'val_5': 'art', 'val_6': 'rt'}
{'0:1': 22, '0:2': 22, '0:3': 1, '0:4': 1, '0:5': 1, '1:2': 23, '1:3': 1, '1:4': 1, '1:5': 2, '2:3': 10, '2:4': 6, '2:5': 5, '3:4': 19, '3:5': 15, '4:5': 24}

Test-word “nashorn” (7 letters)

{'val_0': 'nas', 'val_1': 'ash', 'val_2': 'sho', 'val_3': 'hor', 'val_4': 'orn', 'val_5': 'rn', 'val_6': 'n'}
{'0:1': 1, '0:2': 1, '0:3': 1, '0:4': 1, '1:2': 1, '1:3': 1, '1:4': 1, '2:3': 3, '2:4': 2, '3:4': 26}

So, as an intermediate result I would say:

  • Our naive idea about using 3-char-grams with some distance between them is pretty well confirmed for relatively small words with a length below 9 letters and two 3-char-grams.
  • We should use the length information about a test-word or token in addition to diminish the list of reasonably matching words!

Code to investigate 3-char-gram combinations for words with more than 9 letters

Let us now turn to longer words. Here we face a problem: The number of possibilities to choose three 3-char-grams at different positions explodes with word-length (simple combinatorics leading to the binomial coefficient). It is even difficult to present results graphically. Therefore, I had to restrict myself to gram-combinations with some reasonable distance from the beginning.

The following code does not exclude anything and leads to problematic plots:

# Hits for two 3-grams distributed over a 13-letter word
# ******************************************************
b_full_vocab  = False # operate on the full vocabulary 
#b_full_vocab  = True # operate on the full vocabulary 

#word  = "nachtwache"             # 10
#word  = "morgennebel"            # 11
#word  = "generalmajor"           # 12
#word  = "gebirgskette"           # 12
#word  = "fussballfans"           # 12
#word  = "naturforscher"          # 13
#word  = "frühjahrsputz"          # 13 
#word  = "marinetaucher"          # 13
#word  = "autobahnkreuz"          # 13 
word  = "generaldebatte"         # 14
#word  = "eiskunstläufer"         # 14
#word  = "gastwirtschaft"         # 14
#word  = "vergnügungspark"        # 15 
#word  = "zauberkuenstler"        # 15
#word  = "abfallentsorgung"       # 16 
#word  = "musikveranstaltung"     # 18  
#word  = "sicherheitsexperte"     # 18
#word  = "literaturwissenschaft"  # 21 
#word  = "veranstaltungskalender" # 23

len_w = len(word)
print(len_w, math.floor(len_w/2))

d_col = { "col_0": "gram_2",   "col_1": "gram_3",   "col_2": "gram_4",   "col_3": "gram_5",
          "col_4": "gram_6",   "col_5": "gram_7",   "col_6": "gram_8",   "col_7": "gram_9", 
          "col_8": "gram_10",  "col_9": "gram_11",  "col_10": "gram_12", "col_11": "gram_13", 
          "col_12": "gram_14", "col_13": "gram_15", "col_14": "gram_16", "col_15": "gram_17", 
          "col_16": "gram_18", "col_17": "gram_19", "col_18": "gram_20", "col_19": "gram_21" 
d_val = {}

ind_max = len_w - 2

for i in range(0,ind_max):
    key_val  = "val_" + str(i)
    sl_start = i
    sl_stop  = sl_start + 3
    val = word[sl_start:sl_stop] 
    d_val[key_val] = val

li_cols = [0] # list of cols to display in a final dataframe 

d_num = {}
li_permut = []

# prepare 
length  = len_w
mil = min_len - 1 
mal = max_len + 1
b_exact_length = True
if b_exact_length: 
    dfw_short = dfw_uml.loc[(dfw_uml.lower.str.len() == length)]
    dfw_short = dfw_uml.loc[(dfw_uml.lower.str.len() > mil) & (dfw_uml.lower.str.len() < mal)]
dfw_short = dfw_short.iloc[:, 2:26]

# find matching words for all position combinations
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
for i in range(0,ind_max): 
    for j in range(0,ind_max):
        for k in range(0,ind_max):
            if (i,j,k) in li_permut or (i==j or j==k or i==k):
                col_name1 = "col_" + str(i)
                val_name1 = "val_" + str(i)
                col1 = d_col[col_name1]
                val1 = d_val[val_name1]
                col_name2 = "col_" + str(j)
                val_name2 = "val_" + str(j)
                col2 = d_col[col_name2]
                val2 = d_val[val_name2]
                col_name3 = "col_" + str(k)
                val_name3 = "val_" + str(k)
                col3 = d_col[col_name3]
                val3 = d_val[val_name3]
                li_akt_permut = list(itertools.permutations([i, j, k]))
                li_permut = li_permut + li_akt_permut
                #print("i,j,k = ", i, ":", j, ":", k)
                # matches ?
                if b_full_vocab:
                    li_ind = dfw_uml.index[  (dfw_uml[col1]==val1) 
                                        &    (dfw_uml[col2]==val2)
                                        &    (dfw_uml[col3]==val3)
                    li_ind = dfw_short.index[(dfw_short[col1]==val1) 
                                        &    (dfw_short[col2]==val2)
                                        &    (dfw_short[col3]==val3)

                num = len(li_ind)
                key = str(i)+':'+str(j)+':'+str(k)
                d_num[key] = num
print("length of d_num = ", len(d_num))

# bar diagram 
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 15
fig_size[1] = 6
names  = list(d_num.keys())
values = list(d_num.values()), values, tick_label=names)
plt.xlabel("positions of the chosen two 3-grams", fontsize=14, labelpad=18)
plt.ylabel("number of matching words", fontsize=14, labelpad=18)
font_weight = 'bold' 
font_weight = 'normal' 
if b_full_vocab: 
    add_title = "\n(full vocabulary)"
elif  (not b_full_vocab and not b_exact_length):
    add_title = "\n(reduced vocabulary)"
    add_title = "\n(only words with length = " + str(len_w) + ")"
plt.title("Number of words for different position combinations of two 3-char-grams" + add_title, 
          fontsize=16, fontweight=font_weight, pad=18)


An example for the word “generaldebatte” (14 letters) gives:

A supplemental code that reduces the set of gram position combinations significantly to larger distances could look like this:

# Analysis for 3-char-gram combinations with larger positional distance
# ********************************************************************

hf = math.floor(len_w/2)

for i in range (2,26):
    d_l[i] = {}

for key, value in d_num.items():
    li_key = key.split(':')
    # print(len(li_key))
    i = int(li_key[0])
    j = int(li_key[1])
    k = int(li_key[2])
    l1 = int(li_key[1]) - int(li_key[0])
    l2 = int(li_key[2]) - int(li_key[1])
    le = l1 + l2 
    # print(le)
    if (len_w < 12): 
        bed1 = (l1<=1 or l2<=1)
        bed2 = (l1 <=2 or l2 <=2)
        bed3 = (((i < hf and j< hf and k< hf) or (i > hf and j> hf and k > hf)))
    if (len_w < 15): 
        bed1 = (l1<=2 or l2<=2)
        bed2 = (l1 <=3 or l2 <=3)
        bed3 = (((i < hf and j< hf and k< hf) or (i > hf and j> hf and k > hf)))
    elif (len_w <18): 
        bed1 = (l1<=3 or l2<=3)
        bed2 = (l1 <=4 or l2 <=4)
        bed3 = (((i < hf and j< hf and k< hf) or (i > hf and j> hf and k > hf)))
        bed1 = (l1<=3 or l2<=3)
        bed2 = (l1 <=4 or l2 <=4)
        bed3 = (((i < hf and j< hf and k< hf) or (i > hf and j> hf and k > hf)))
    for j in range(2,26): 
        if le == j:
            if value == 0 or bed1 or ( bed2 and bed3) : 
                d_l[j][key] = value

sum_len = 0 
n_p = len_w -2
for j in range(2,n_p):
    num = len(d_l[j])
    print("len = ", j, " : ", "num = ", num) 
print("len_w = ", len_w, " half = ", hf)    

if (len_w <= 12):
    p_start = hf 
elif (len_w < 15):
    p_start = hf + 1
elif len_w < 18: 
    p_start = hf + 2 
    p_start = hf + 2 

# Plotting 
# ***********
li_axa = []
m = 0
for i in range(p_start,n_p):
    if len(d_l[i]) == 0:
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 12
fig_size[1] = m * 5
fig_b  = plt.figure(2)

for j in range(0, m):

m = 0
for i in range(p_start,n_p):
    if len(d_l[i]) == 0:
    # bar diagram 
    names  = list(d_l[i].keys())
    values = list(d_l[i].values())
    li_axa[m].bar(range(len(d_l[i])), values, tick_label=names)
    li_axa[m].set_xlabel("positions of the 3-grams", fontsize=14, labelpad=12) 
    li_axa[m].set_ylabel("num matching words", fontsize=14, labelpad=12) 
    li_axa[m].set_xticklabels(names, fontsize=12, rotation='vertical')
    #font_weight = 'bold' 
    font_weight = 'normal' 
    if b_full_vocab: 
        add_title = " (full vocabulary)"
    elif  (not b_full_vocab and not b_exact_length):
        add_title = " (reduced vocabulary)"against position-combinations for <em>three</em> 3-char-grams</h1>
        add_title = " (word length = " + str(len_w) + ")" 

    li_axa[m].set_title("total distance = " + str(i) + add_title, 
              fontsize=16, fontweight=font_weight, pad=16) 
    m += 1
plt.subplots_adjust( hspace=0.7 )
fig_b.suptitle("word :  " + word +" (" + str(len_w) +")", fontsize=24, 
              fontweight='bold', y=0.91)


What are the restrictions? Basically

  • we eliminate combinations with 2 neighboring 3-char-grams,
  • we eliminate 3-char-grams combinations where all 3-grams are place only on one side of the word – the left or right one,
  • we pick only 3-char-grams where the sum of the positional distances between the 3-char-grams is somewat longer than half of the token’s length.

We vary these criteria a bit with the word length. In my opinion these criteria should produce plots, only, which show that the number of hits is reasonably small – if our basic approach is of some value.

of matching words with more than 9 letters against position-combinations for three 3-char-grams

The following plots cover words of different growing lengths for dataframes reduced to words with exactly the same length as the chosen token. Not too surprising, all of the words are compound words.


Test-token “nachtwache”

Test-token “morgennebel”

Test-token “generalmajor”

Test-token “gebirgskette”

Test-token “fussballfans”

Test-token “naturforscher”

Test-token “frühjahrsputz”

Test-token “marinetaucher”

Test-token “autobahnkreuz”

Test-token “generaldebatte”

Test-token “eiskunstläufer”

token “gastwirtschaft”

Test-token “vergnügungspark”

Test-token “zauberkuenstler”

Test-token “abfallentsorgung”

Test-token “musikveranstaltung”

Test-token “sicherheitsexperte”

Test-token “literaturwissenschaft”

Test-token “veranstaltungskalender”


What we see is that whenever we choose 3-char-gram combinations with a relative big positional distance between them and a sum of the two distances ≥ word-length / 2 + 2 the number of matching words ogf the vocabulary is smaller than 10, very often even smaller than 5. The examples “prove” at least that choosing three (correctly written) 3-char-grams with relative big distance within a token lead to small numbers of matching vocabulary words,


One can use a few 3-char-grams within string tokens to find matching vocabulary words via a comparison of the char-grams at their respective
position. In this article we have studied how we should choose two or three 3-char-grams within string tokens of length ≤ 9 letters or > 9 letters, respectively, if and when we want to find matching vocabulary words effectively. We found strong indications that the 3-char-grams should be chosen with a relatively big positional distance. To use neighboring 3-char-grams will lead to hit numbers which are too big for a detailed analysis.

In the next post I will have a closer look at the required CPU-time for a word searches in a vocabulary based on 3-char-gram comparisons for a 100,000 string tokens.